Chapter 1

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Age 13, Alyssa's POV
I stood up to the knock of the door and went to open it. Behind it stood my best friend, Ross. I smiled and let him in.

"God, you take so long," I said, rolling my eyes.

He smirked.

"It takes long to get this perfect," he said, gesturing to his hair.

I scoffed and he followed me to my bedroom where we both flung ourselves on my bed.

"I'm so bored," I groaned.


I could tell he was distracted. I frowned and sat up and looked at him.

"Ok what's up? You're not yourself."

"It's nothing," he said, sitting up without looking at me.

"No, tell me," I said, shuffling closer to him.

"Really, it's nothing," he repeated.

"Please? Please tell me. I hate seeing you like this. You can trust me," I said, looking in his eyes.

He sighed.

"Ok fine. But you can't freak out ok?" He said.

"I won't," I promised.

"I.. I love you," he said quickly.

I looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"I love you too..?" I said.

"No, as in I love you. Like, properly love," he said, looking away.

I stared at him in shock. I didn't know what to say to him. I had never seen him as anything more than a best friend, or that's what I thought. Deep inside, I knew I had much deeper feelings which I never allowed to surface for fear that they would ruin our friendship.

I tried to respond, but I couldn't. I wanted to tell him that I loved him too, but I didn't know if I could say that. I mean, I was only 13! How could I say yes to him, or even say I loved him back? For one, I knew I would never be allowed to date at this age.

"Ross... I... I," I stuttered.

His eyes turned cold as I struggled to get any words out.

"See, this is why I didn't want to tell you," he growled.

"No, Ross, I..." I kept trying to speak.

"No, you know what, forget it. Forget everything. Pretend I never told you I loved you. Actually, just pretend that we were never friends. Just pretend that we don't know each other. Because I don't want to know you," he spat out, before storming out of my room.

I chased after him trying to make him talk things out with me.

"Ross, wait!" I called, running down the stairs to see him leave my house and slam the door behind him.

I sank to the ground against the door, tears running down my face. I had just lost my best friend, and to make it worse, I could never get him back because he hated me.

Age 18, present day, Alyssa's POV

5 years later, nothing's changed. Ross still hates me, he has ever since that day. But now instead of just ignoring me or not liking me, every time he sees me he has something new to say. Like how much of a bitch I am, how ugly and fat I am, how I would never be loved by anyone. The first few times really hurt, but it's been so many years of insults, I'm used to it now.

It took a while, but the cold, hard, truth finally sunk in. My best friend hates me and, to make things worse, he abuses me.

Vote and Comment! Thank you so much @NoEasyLove for making me this amazing cover! Go follow her and check out her stories if you haven't already!

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