Chapter 24

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I looked at Jess for advice, who signalled to hang up. I looked at my phone, before pressing the end button and lying back on the bed. Immediately my phone buzzed again, another call from Ross coming through, but I ignored it, not wanting to speak to him.

"Jess, what should I do?" I asked, at a loss.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know how to deal with Ross. He's put me through so much, but I just want my best friend back, even though I hate what he did to me."

She thought about what I said, taking a few minutes to respond.

"If I was going to be selfish, I would say delete his number and block him, and forget about anything that happened between you two. But I'm trying this thing where I don't just think about myself, and that's why I would say forgive him."

"That's the whole problem though. I want us to be on good terms, but I don't want to forgive him so easily for everything he did to me."

"Then get revenge."

I looked at her curiously, waiting for an explanation.

"The whole time, he caused you pain, and did whatever he felt like. So you might as well get back at him," she added.

I thought about it, wondering how I would execute this, and what this would result in for the both of us.

"So what do you mean I would do?"

She shrugged.

"Play him. Pretend like you're struggling without him, flirt with him, and make him feel like you miss him. And then when he's hooked, drop him, the same way he did to you."

I chewed on my lip, hesitant that this would make him hate me even more. But honestly, what had I to lose? At least this way, I would feel better about our situation, knowing that I had the power to make up for everything I had suffered in the past years. It was satisfying, knowing that I could make him feel the same way he had done to me.

"Fine. Let's do it."


It had been a few days, and I had been texting him every day; telling him that I missed him, and that I wanted to come back to California. He had fallen for it, responding with sweet messages of him own, ones that made me feel bitterly guilty, but also gave a sense of contentment, to know that at the end of this he would be hurt, possibly beyond repair. For some reason it didn't bother me, knowing that the result may be that he would hate me, and we could end up back where we had begun. My only logic was that at least this way; I would have actually done something wrong, unlike before. I was texting him now, my heart fluttering every time he replied.

I'm considering coming back to Cali.

Are you being serious?

Yeah. I just want to see you. I might book the tickets.



I'll book them for you.

You don't have to do that, Ross.

Yeah, but if it means having you back with me, I'm willing to pay. Trust me, I'll book them.

Okay. Will you send me the flight details when you're done?

Yeah, okay. But don't stress out. It may take some time.

I had no idea why he was so chilled with this, why he wasn't more anxious for me to come and see him.

Hey, I g2g. I'll message you later, if I'm free.

I didn't understand this boy, but I replied with an okay, and turned the TV on. I started watching Say Yes to the Dress, when I saw Jess pace around the room, yelling into her phone.

"She's happy here! Much more than she was when she was in Cali! ... No, I'm not going to let her go back! No, just, just, never mind!"

She hung up and came and sat down next to me, closing her eyes and leaning back.

"What happened?"

"Don't worry about it."

"No, tell me."

"Really, it's nothing."


"Okay, fine. It was your parents. They said they weren't completely happy with you moving here. So I was trying to persuade them that you're fine, and then I just gave up and hung up."

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"You just said all that to my parents?"

"Yeah?" she tried.

I shook my head, not believing her, but not pushing the matter any further.


Some days later

I heard the doorbell ring, multiple times, waking me. I looked at the clock next to me which read 6 AM. I rubbed my eyes and headed towards the door and pulled it open, to come face to face with someone that was meant to be in a different country.


I'm so bored, but so lazy, and all that results in is nothing being written.

I want to apologize to iwantachurroR5 bc I promised her this would be up 2 days ago, and clearly it wasn't.

And now the Ross and Courtney thing. Oh my God, if they are dating, let them date!! It's completely unfair of us to ask him to be unhappy. The only good thing that would come out of them dating is that Raura fans would have to shut the fuck up because then it would be clear he's not dating Laura.

QOTD: Opinions on the whole Courtney thing?

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