On The Ship

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Here is my second fanfic, and today it's gonna be about one of my favorite ships: Zolu (Zoro x Luffy ) anyways I'm gonna start now

Edit: April 27, 2024 : sooo uhm please dont judgeeee i made this when i was a bit yougner and its actually so embarrassing, i needed helppp 😭 but hey guys js read and TRY UR BEST to enjoy cus i know this secondhand embarrassment is realll 💀(stop guys i meant 2024 😭)

A the green haired male leaned against the mast of the ship with his hands behind his head, he was asleep just like always. After a while a black haired male got kicked over from the kitchen. "C'mon Sanji, Im hungryyy!" said the black haired male. "NO LUFFY, STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN UNTIL DINNER TIME." the cook of the ship said in an angry tone. The green haired male shot up and yelled at Luffy. "HEY DUMBASS CAN'T YOU SEE I'M TAKING A NAP"!!! Zoro shouted.

"I'm sorry Zoro, sanji kicked me over here and he wont let me in the kitchen..." luffy said as he frowned. Zoro couldn't help but feel bad for the guy. "Hey Eyebrows, give him something to eat." Zoro said. "He can wait!" yelled Sanji. "No he can't, you know how he is when he's hungry!" Said Zoro with a vein going through his forehead out of anger.

Sanji and Zoro continued to argue, until Sanji noticed luffy had a big piece of meat in his hand. Luffy ate the whole thing in ten seconds flat. Sanji Raised his leg and almost hit luffy with his foot but Zoro stopped it.

"Hey Mosshead" Get out of my way!" Said Sanji. Zoro refused but he stood up and moved in front of Luffy and let go of Sanji's foot. "What's your deal Moss head!"Sanji Yelled at Zoro. "He's done with it so there's no reason to hit the guy."Said Zoro as he got up and stood by Sanji and turned around to face Luffy.

Luffy looked up with the a innocent look. They both paused and then Sanji yelled "Oh, stop with the innocent look." Said Sanji as he walked back to the kitchen.

Zoro just went to the side of the ship to finish his nap. Luffy stood up and walked over to Zoro. Zoro felt Luffy's presence and opened his good eye, and asked, "What do you want Luffy?" Luffy Replied with, "Let me take a nap with you." Zoro raised an eyebrow and asked, "Are you gonna actually take a nap?" Luffy looked down and said, "No..." Zoro rolled his eyes and moved over a little and motioned luffy to come sit. Luffy did sit down, but instead of sitting where Zoro told him to, he sat down on his lap and snuggled into Zoro's chest. Zoro blushed. What was this feeling... He reached his hand up and ran his fingers threw Luffy's black, silky hair. Luffy grinned as he felt Zoro do this. It gave him butterflies. Zoro wrapped his arms around Luffy and rested his head on Luffy's. 'Whats this feeling... Is it Love..' Thought Luffy and Zoro in unison.

Part 2 will be soon :)

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