Luffy's Mixed Emotions

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Luffy has mixed emotions about the situation. What else is there to say. For the past few weeks Zoro hasn't been giving him as much attention as he usually does.

~Luffys Pov~

Pacing back and forth, I thought on why Zoro would do this. Finally, after what had seemed like forever, I came to a conclusion.

A very horrible conclusion..

The thoughts overwhelmed me. I started over thinking the situation and my two brain cells were not workimg very well right now.

~Next Day~

I got barely any sleep last night. When  I did wake up, I went straight to the girls room and knocked. Robin came to the door very surprised, since I rarely never come to they're room.

"What is it Luffy?" Asked Robin. "Can I come in and talk to you and Nami?" I asked. Robin nodded and let me in. I sat down on the floor and frowned. "What's wrong Luffy?" Asked Nami.

"Well uh... Zoro hasn't been paying much attention to me lately and I feel I've done something wrong.. I might have a reason he might be acting this way. Even though I thought he had forgiven me for it." I blurted out.

~Third Person Pov~

Robin and Nami giggled together quiet enough for Luffy to not notice. "Luffy, I'm sure he has forgiven you for whatever reason you have come up with. Just go talk to him, k?" Nami reassuring him.

"Finee." Luffy said, getting up and walking out, closing the door behind him.

"Our plan is doing amazing and since it's been a few weeks, I think we should end it!" Nami said proudly. Robin nodded in agreement. "We just have to make sure it doesn't go down hill, that would be horrible.. they might break up, and never want to talk again, Zoro might leave the crew. Yes, that would be horrible." Robin said with no expression. "Heh... Robin.. let's um.. think positive, not negative.." Nami said a little worried.

"Yes of course. I was just messing around." Robin said smiling.

Anyway, Luffy decided to go talk to Zoro. He climbed up to the Crows nest and went inside to see Zoro, obviously training. "Hey Zoro..." Luffy said with a small smile. Zoro got up and walked past Luffy with no words and left out of the Crows nest.

Luffy's heart dropped... He just stood there in shock." "Zoro..." He whispered, turning around but was to late. Tears were threatening to fall. But Luffy shut his eyes tightly and calmed down. The tears that were about to fall, were gone.

Luffy jumped down for the Crows nest and went to the Men's quarters. There, he found Zoro laying on his bunk, napping. Luffy again was trying to make Zoro look at him at least.

Luffy placed himself on top of Zoro, burying his face in the crook of his neck. Zoro didn't move or try to move Luffy off. Luffy smiled, and started to relax until Zoro picked Luffy up and placed him on the bunk, alone. While he went over to another bunk.

Luffy again was shocked. Tears started running down his cheeks. He cried staring at Zoro who had his back towards him on the bunk across from him. Luffy cried silently.

A painfully silent cry.


Everyone was awake, except Luffy. After crying for a very long time he went to sleep but he still hasn't woken up.

"Zoro, by the way, you can talk to him now. His one billion berry Dept has been reduced to Zero and Ace agreed to let you guys have privacy, and you can take away the cameras and he'll stop bothering you two and accept that his brother has growed up." Nami said as she smiled. Zoro looked at Nami, "You serious?" Zoro asked. Nami hummed in agreement.

After Zoro finished his food, he started to get up and go to see Luffy. But before he could Luffy walked in with bloodshot eyes. He sat down in his seat and took a small bite of his food.

Zoro's heart dropped. His heart started to ache, seeing Luffy like this.

"Luffy-San..." Brook whispered. Luffy tried his best to smile. He smiled, a big fake smile. Again, tears started to fall down his cheeks as he failed to hold them back. Everyones hearts dropped. Right before them, they're cheerful captain.. was.. hurting and there's nothing they could do.

Luffy got up and walked out of the kitchen and Zoro followed."Hey Lu.." Zoro called out, on the deck. "Zoro.. it's been two weeks... If you didn't wanna be together.. then that's all you had to say." Luffy said, holding back even more tears. "No.. Luffy! You got it all wro-" Zoro was cut off.

"I guess this the end... Goodbye Zoro... I still love you! I always will!


Hey yalls! So uh... Hope you enjoyed and yes it's gone be another part to this also Idea from Gamingmittens

Tysm for the idea! It's also gonna be a part 2 to this that's how amazing your idea was! Anyways goodbye MY LOVLIES!

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