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Luffy overhears Robin and Nami talking about Zoros' "Man boobs" so luffy goes to ask Zoro if he could touch and so and so...

I haven't talked at the beginning of one of these in a while, but yeah I think I rushed even though it took me like 7000 years lol!


Luffy was bored, there was nothing to do. So, he followed the lovely woman on his crew to the kitchen. Nami had asked about Robin's favorite books. Robin was surprised at the sudden question, her cheeks showed a slight tint of pink, showcasing her excitement.

Luffy couldn't help but smile, Nami also chuckled at the Archaeologists excitement.

Luffy ended up falling asleep through the boring talk about books, but Nami on the other hand listened and smiled at the archaeologists.

A while later, Luffy suddenly woke up to a name he was quite fond of. "Zoro?" Luffy asked as he sat up rubbing his eyes. The two ladies chuckled together. "Yes, Zoro. We were talking about his mommy milkers or man boobs." Nami said. Luffy laughed at the orange-haired woman's comment. "Zoro doesn't have... those." The straw-hatted boy stated. "You should know, you've seen him with his shirt off multiple times. Don't you just wanna just.." Nami said as she did a grabbing motion with her hands.

Luffy's cheeks went red. "Namiiii!" He said, as he covered his face and ran out of the kitchen. The two ladies just chuckled.

If not a good time, he happened to run into Zoro, right after the conversation. "Zoro! I was just going to find you! But I have a question..." Luffy added.

"What is it?" Zoro asked, ruffling the younger boy's hair. Luffy smiled and finally asked the one question he was dying to know.

"Do you have... boobs?" Luffy asked curiously.

"What?! No!" He quickly replied as his eye twitched out of anger and confusion.

"But Nami and Robin said you had... like.. man boobs?.." Luffy said with a curious look.

"Oh- That's what she meant... I mean... Yeah, but I wouldn't say BOOBS, at all." Zoro answered.

"Can I like, touch?..." Luffy asked.

"Wha-?!" Zoro said shocked at the sudden weird question. "Yeah, let me touch," Luffy said blankly. "Why?" Zoro asked. "Cause I wanna!" Luffy said in a matter factual tone.

"And why should I let ya?" Zoro scoffed at the younger man's stubbornness. "Because I'm the captain." Luffy said after some "thinking".

"And it's my body, so I say, no," Zoro said walking away and back to the crows' nest, he went. Of course, the curious straw hat-wearing boy did not give up this mission, as he followed him to the crows' nest.

"Zoro! Please!" Luffy asked. Zoro couldn't help but stare at him in awe at the adorable puppy dog face he was making. He shook his head. "N- No! A no is a no Luffy, I'm not gonna change my mind. "Wha- why?! I let you touch me all the time!" Luffy admitted not being aware of what he just said, although he wasn't wrong.

Zoro blushed furiously.  "Shut up you idiot! A no is a no." Zoro said. "Please! ill do anything, just please!" Luffy pleaded. Zoro sighed. "Fine! once." Zoro said a little embarrassed.

Luffy was kinda excited. He sat on Zoro's lap, facing him. Then... luffy just squeezed. "pff- hahaha, that was fun! One more time Zoro." Luffy said. "No," Zoro said with red-tinted cheeks.

"But Zoro, please! just a few more times, so squishy!" Luffy said, with a slight laugh. "Hell no," He stated blankly. "Aww, why not?" Luffy asked. "because I said so." Zoro said kissing his forehead. "Zoros no fun," Luffy said, pouting. "Fine. Just stop pouting, I can't handle how cute you are." Zoro said, cupping his cheeks. Luffy's cheeks heated up and turned a slight shade of pink. Luffy grabbed them again. "You stop that!" Luffy shouted at him and started laughing again when Zoro got up and placed him in the sitting area.

"Wait Zoro! It was a joke." Luffy said trying to hold in his laugh. "Bye Luffy," Zoro said walking away. "Nooo, I'm really sorry." Luffy pouted. Zoro got down from the crows' nest. 

Once he left luffy let out the laugh he was holding back. After awhile he got up and got down from the crows' nest.

"Im sorry Zoro, it was a joke. But their still really squishy."

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