Chapter 16

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Hello My Lovelies <3 So I didn't know people Actually waited for my stories 😪 So I kinda didn't update for awhile but NOW I'M GONNA TRY TO UPDATE EVERY 2 DAYS! Ne Ways, Enjoy!

~Luffy's Pov~

'I have no idea what happened. I know that Zoro came back ok, So she must have not done anything that bad... I hope.' My thoughts we're interrupted by Zoro. "You ok?" He asked with a slight worried expression. "I think I Should be asking that question..." I replied.

"Can you walk now? " He asked, knowing well that I can't." If I could, I would leave you in here by yourself and go steal some food from Sanji." I said while rolling my eyes.

~Back In The Kitchen/No one's Pov~

"So, how'd it go"? The small doctor asked. Everyone turned towards Nami who was just entering the kitchen. "Well, neither of them regret it. Which I might say is a good thing. " And Luffy.. Lost his innocence." Nami said as she frowned.

"I know I might hit him and he might be an idiot but He's My Baby. That I need to take care of just in case someone like Zoro tries to ruin him." She said.

(Well technically... He did ruin him 🚪🚶🏽‍♀️)

~Late That Day/No ones Pov~

"Zorooo, I'm hungry. If I don't get food, I might eat you instead." Luffy said without thinking. Zoro placed Luffy on his lap. "Then Eat me."  Zoro said with a smirk. Luffy blushed. "I didn't mean it like that." Luffy said with flushed cheeks.

"Fineee, I'll go ask Sanji to give you something to eat." Zoro said.
Luffy got off his lap and Zoro got up and walked to the kitchen.

Zoro got walked out of the Aquarium and walked into the deck over to the kitchen.
Ok Mmm- I'ma stop here cause uh yep and a new ship is gonna be introduced, can you guess 😏 Buh Bye Now~

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