The Crews Whereabouts

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Hi Everyone, it's Author Sama here, and here's part 9 of Zolu, and this will be long or short tbh I don't know. Butt here's part 9 enjoy!! Before I start ok so when I do this '.....' They're thinking and this "....." Is talking!! Ok that's all, sorry for the mistakes btw.

Usopp's Pov

'I hope they're alright' I thought to myself. My thoughts were interrupted by Brook, "Yohohoho, I know you're worried about the captain and the swordsman but I'm sure they're ok. I can see them being safe and warm and maybe with some food to eat." Said Brook as he tried to soften the mood. "All though, since I'm a skeleton, I don't have any eyes. Yohohoho." Brook laughed as he walked off. 'I just hope Zoro doesn't get them lost.' Mumbled Usopp. Robin and Nami was talking about something on the seat of the mast. I walked over to Nami and Robin to ask Nami a question. "Hey uhm, Nami.."  I say as she looks up at me. "When  do you think we'll get to the island?" I ask rubbing that back of my neck. "We  should get there by tomorrow afternoon. I know your worried Usopp, but it's Zoro and Luffy, we're talking about, do you really think they're hurt?" She says with a smile and it immediately turning to a worried expression. "Wait... It's Zoro and Luffy- Those idiots. HEY FRANKY!!" Called Nami as Franky came running in, on the deck. "Yeah?" He asked with his deep but childish voice. "We need a coup de burst." Informed Nami. (sorry if I spelled that wrong) "What- why? What's wrong?"  He asked making sure if we actually needed it. "At this speed we're gonna get there by tomorrow afternoon, we need to get there by night!! Those two idiots can't be trusted alone." Nami says panicking. "Your  right, one coup de burst coming right up!!" Said Franky as he ran to the steering thingy of the ship.

~One Coup de Burst Later~

"Judging by the wind current, we should get there by night" Nami Says as she smiled.

~No one's Pov~

Everyone was done eating dinner and the sun was starting to set. Chopper runs out to get some fresh air, since he's been in his office most of the day. 'I hope they're safe and well, I really miss them.' He thought as he ran back inside.

Ok so this chapter was 405 words.. sorry for the bad spelling and bad grammar also for miss naming things, Anyways leave some feedback in the comments!!

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