Chapter 47 :)

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Nami x Robin and Luffy wearing the maid outfit :) Enjoyyy~


Luffy wore the red maid outfit after Zoro reminded him of their agreement. For now, he didn't have a problem since it was his favorite color. "Eh- do I have to do everything you want me to or do I have free will?" Luffy chuckled nervously. "Luckily, I didn't mention you having to- ahem! I mean I did mention you have to! And if you failed to keep this on for the whole week you have to do anything I say!" Zoro lied.

In reality, Zoro didn't mention anything about Luffy having to do anything he says while in the maid outfit but We'll remind him of that later.

~Luffys Pov~

"Please go easy on me?" I pleaded. "Did you go easy on me?" Zoro said raising his eyebrow. "No... but- haha! You can't go hard on me!" I said smirking because I'm a genius.

"Yeah ok. We'll see. also..." Zoro said, pausing. I stared at him in confusion. He moved closer and I thought he was gonna kiss me but he pulled up the skirt instead. "Stop it! Stupid Zoro!" I shouted pushing it back down.

I walked out of the galley and onto the deck where Nami and Robin were. They were leaning on the rails talking to one another until Nami started acting weird and ran to the room and flung herself.

~Nami's Pov~

"Hey, Robin.." I asked, hesitantly. "Yes, darling?" Robin answered. I like it when she calls me that because her voice makes it sound nice and she knows that I do. "Did you maybe wanna- never mind, forget it! I shouldn't have said anything about it!" I said, waving my hands. Robin chuckled. "I would love to darling," Robin said, smiling.

My heart skipped a beat. "I wish I could tell you I love you.." I thought to myself. Until Robin chuckled "I love you too." When I had realized I said it out loud my face started to heat up. "Wait no! Well, yes! But no! I didn't mean to say it out loud. This is so embarrassing!" I shouted running into the room and jumping in the bed, burying my face into my pillow.

~No one's pov~

"Zoro! I wanna kiss." Luffy said. "That was... Random." Zoro said. "What, you don't wanna?" Luffy tilted his head. "Yeah, I do. But it was rand-" Zoro was cut off by Luffy smashing his lips with the older males. "Mmgh.." they both groaned in unison. They pulled apart and Zoro just looked at Luffy confused. "I want another one!" Luffy added. "I just-" Zoro was cut off once again by Luffy pecking his lips. "Ok, are you-" he was once again cut off by Luffy pecking his lips again. Zoro started to get frustrated from getting cut off more than once.

"Luffy, that's enough!-" Luffy pecked his lips again. "Stop it! You've had enough!" Zoro complained. "I want to slee-" Luffy cut off Zoro again with another peck to the lips. "Luffy, I mean it!" Zoro said in a frustrated but soft voice.

Zoro reached his hand over and pulled the back of the skirt up. Luffy pouted at Zoro angrily and pulled away to push it back down. "Stop that, Bad Zoro!" Luffy shouted back softly. "Exactly! Now bedtime." Zoro said pulling Luffy to the men's quarters to sleep.


Zoro woke up and was greeted by a teasing Sanji. "What do you want? Ero Cook!" Zoro groaned. "Oh, so no more Sanji?" He asked. "I don't know what you're talking about, Sanji," Zoro smirked and left out the room. 'Why is no one here when he says it..." Sanji thought, frowning.

Luffy looked over with a surprised face. "He called you.." Luffy whispered. "Luffy! You heard him?!" Sanji asked. "Nope! It was just a dream! I didn't hear a single thing!" Luffy said going to the kitchen to eat. "What... no one will believe me now..." Sanji said with a sad aura around him as he was on his hands and knees.

~After Breakfast~

Zoro walked up behind Luffy and pulled up the skirt. "Zoro, stop it! It's not funny That's gay!" Luffy shouted. The whole crew stopped what they were doing and peered out on the deck. "Luffy- you and Zoro are dating!" They said in unison. "I know! I know! But he's looking under it. Luffy complained.

"You did it to Zoro so much he eventually got used to it, don't complain now." Nami shrugged. "At least I don't have like the biggest crush on Robin!" Luffy countered. Nami blushed. "W- who wouldn't!" Nami shouted as she went back to drawing her maps.

Robin chuckled. She found the Navigator cute but she could never tell her.

~Wednesday/Middle of the day~

Zoro and luffy were in thee room.

"Zoro, remember when you overstimulated when we were doing it," Luffy said out of the blue. "Shut the hell up before I Overstimulate your ass!" Zoro shouted all flustered and not thinking. "Nasty nasty" Luffy shouted. "I didn't -" Zoro was cut off by Luffy mashing their lips together.

Zoro bit Luffy's bottom lip asking for entry and Luffy let him in. Their tongues danced together before they both pulled apart gasping for air.

Zoro lifted Luffy's skirt and luffy pushed it back down. "Bad Zoro!" Luffy shouted. "Says the one trying to fuck me." Zoro said, picking Luffy up, "we should nap now. It's that time." Zoro said looking at the clock on the wall. "You remembered! Finally!" Luffy said as he jumped out of the seat and dragged Zoro to the mens quarters.

Luffy got caught up in the aroma of Sanji's cooking and was heading off to the kitchen. Zoro dragged Luffy to the mens quarters before Luffy had the audacity to yell at him.

Once they were in the men's room they laid down with one another. Luffy was squirming around trying to get comfortable, meanwhile Zoro was snoring in his ear.

Luffy turned around facing Zoro and pouted. "Zoro your snoring so loud!" Luffy shouted. "Hm- morning already?" He asked.

Zoro pulled it up, again. "At this point, I don't even care anymore." Luffy sighed.

Zoro moved Luffy up so now he was sitting up. Zoro moved down and laid his head on luffys thighs, and went right back to sleep. Luffy ran his hands through Zoro's hair. He started to drift off while subconsciously stroking his boyfriends hair.


Nami had pulled Luffy away from the group to ask how he confessed his feelings to Zoro. 

"So, how'd you do it?" Nami asked. "Well... See, I didn't confess to him. He kissed me, remember? Now that I think about it.. we've never even asked one another to date so are we really together?!" Luffy asked confused. "Ya both fucked each other exactly 6 times, I'm pretty sure your dating." Nami said shaking her head. "You kept count.." luffy mumbled. "Yes! I was the one getting on both of your asses about it. I was the one who had to hear you getting fucked like he was mad at you or some shit!" Nami sighed. "Ok ok! I get it! That's embarrassing Nami!" He said covering his crimson red cheeks.

"Oh now it's embarrassing?!" She looked at him. "Yes!" He shouted. "It's not embarrassing when you are SO GOD DAMN LOUD!" she shouted. "Oh, so if I said, 'how does it feel to lay so close to Robin and on her boobs!" Luffy mocked. "You wouldn't be embarrassed?!" Luffy asked.

Nami pouted and covered her cheeks. "Ok ok! I get it now!" Nami shouted back.


I'm gonna stop right here there will be no pt2 of luffy in the maid outfit, sorry about that. Buy it's already taken up a lot of time. Ok ok! Cya!!

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