It's Zoro, remember?

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The day started like any other normal day,  and it went along like any other day.

~Middle of the day~

Everyone had gone out to town the stock up on supplies after dinner before going to bed and resting their eyes.

Zoro and Luffy went together. They stopped at a place with food because Luffy was STILL hungry. "Here's the money for enough food to make you full. while you eat, I'm gonna go to the other shops." Zoro smiled as he kissed Luffy's forehead, which made the smaller male smile brightly. "Mk! Bye-bye Zoro!" Luffy waved. Zoro smiled and walked out and over to the shop that was right across from where Luffy was.

When he went over, there were two girls just staring dead at him, whispering and giggling to one another. "Hm? You need anything?" Zoro asked, clearly annoyed, but these girls couldn't take the hint. "Oh don't be so feisty, I just wanna bring you back to my place. You look like someone who would want this." She said as she spun around a little to show her body.

Zoro scoffed. "Yeah right, my BOYFRIEND is more than enough." Zoro said making sure she heard the 'boyfriend' part. "boyfriend? Are you serious? You want that when you can have a real woman, like me." She huffed.

"Yes. That's the whole point. I'm gay, ya dumbass. Now leave me alone. The shitty cook wouldn't even like you and that's saying something. "Whatever, I didn't want you anyway." She said walking off, pulling her friend with her.

~With Luffy~

"What took so long?" Luffy asked. "Some girl was trying to flirt with me and I had to tell her off." Zoro huffed. Luffy's face turned into a look of disgust. "Where is she?" Luffy said, just a little angered. "Uh... Luffy I think it's fine now.. let's just go back to the ship." Zoro tried brushing the incident off.

~Back on the ship~

"Hey Zoro, two girls stopped by the ship and one told me to tell you that "They had fun with you." What the hell is that about?" Nami asked as she glared at Zoro. They all turned towards Zoro with curious looks, even luffy. "You told me-" Luffy was cut off by Zoro. "Yeah, I told you exactly what happened. You think I'm lying?" Zoro asked, staring down at Luffy. He didn't care what the others thought. "Uhm... Of course, I believe you! Your Zoro after all!" Luffy smiled nervously.

"You're lying to me. You don't actually believe me." Zoro said blankly. "Of course, I believe Zoro! I love and trust Zoro just like he trust and love me!" Luffy said pushing the thought of Zoro cheating out of his head. "I love you Zoro!" Luffy grinned. "I love you too, Lu." Zoro said back blankly, which made luffy frown as Zoro walked off.

~Putting everything away~

The two girls stopped by the ship, (more like snuck on) again to see Zoro. They found Zoro and Luffy in the crows' nest while everyone else was asleep. They found the two sharing kisses and 'love bites' is what Luffy likes to call it. Luffy had been too distracted before but then he sensed their presence and turned towards the entrance/exit of the crows' nest. "Show yourself," Luffy said, angry that someone interrupted him and Zoro's alone time.

They both showed themselves and Zoro looked angered. "What the hell do you want from me? I told you before I have a BOYFRIEND." Zoro huffed. "What are you talking about? You told us that you wanted to meet back on your ship at this time to finish what we started, and you never told us you had a boyfriend." They lied.

Luffy looked at Zoro, genuinely confused but then remember he's dating Zoro. Luffy laughed. "Yeah right! Now if you two don't leave you won't be leaving this ship in good condition or should I say conscious.

"Get the hell off my ship." Luffy barked. The two girls scoffed and left and a little time later they were out of site.

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