Filler (。•̀ᴗ-)✧|| The Challenge

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The hours went by as both men sat on the deck. Sanji and Usopp had showed up and Luffy ran to Usopp. "Usopp, let's play!" Luffy smiled. "Finally, Freedom!" Usopp yelled, as he ran around the deck running from Luffy as Luffy tried to 'attack' him for the game they were playing.

Sanji and Zoro could never get along. Even if it's for Luffy and Usopp's sake, or can they?...

Anyways, Usopp pulled Luffy to the other side of the deck sneakily and came up with a plan.

They both ran around the corner laughing as they saw Zoro and Sanji glaring at one another, head to head.

"Let's make a bet!" Usopp and Luffy yelled in unison. Both, Sanji and Zoro's heads snapped towards Luffy and Usopp. "Ok! So.. how about this!" Luffy said as he smirked. "You two, no arguing for a week!" Usopp said after. "And the loser?!" Luffy asked. "Gets no.. uhm... Hm... Kisses for a whole week!" Usopp finished. "AND NO TOUCHY TOUCHY OR KISSES OR ANYTHING FOR THE PUNISHMENT AND DURING THE CHALLENGE, oh yeah hugs are allowed and talking to one another!" Luffy added on, yelling.

Zoro and Sanji's eyebrows twitched in confusion. "Hell No!" Sanji yelled. "The one time I agree with the damn cook!" Zoro said.

"Then no kisses or touchy touchy for two weeks! Don't make it three." Luffy and Usopp said while smirking in Unison.

"Fine!" Zoro and Sanji shouted in Unison. "When does the challenge start?" Asked Sanji. "Tomorrow since that's the start of a new week!" Usopp shouted quietly.

Zoro and Sanji looked at one another, finally agreeing on something as they smirked at each other. "Uh... Luffy. I think we should run!" Usopp panicked. Luffy looked over at the two older males and gulped.

Luffy and Usopp started to walk back slowly. "Aww.. Luffy you gonna leave me here alone?" Zoro asked with a fake frown. Luffy ran up to Zoro. "Of course not!" I love you too much to do that!" Luffy said jumping into Zoro's arms as Zoro hugged him.

"Good~" Zoro said in a deep and Lustful Voice. "Uh oh-" Luffy yelped, quietly. Zoro pinned Luffy against the outside of the mens quarters.

Usopp on the other hand was still running away from Sanji. "Wait, Sanji! You don't have to do this! Let's rethink life, huh?" Usopp asked. "Kidding! If you don't wanna, I'm not gonna force you." Sanji said smiling. Usopp gave up and sighed. "Finee!" Usopp said. "I'm serious! If you don't wanna-" Sanji was cut off by Usopp.

"Fine then I'll switch our positions!"

~Usopp and Sanji went to the Crows nest and Zoro and Luffy went they're room~

Luffy smashed his lips with Zoro and fought for dominance. Zoro, obviously winning but Luffy managed to somehow get dominance over Zoro.

Luffy didn't have experience being a top but he just followed after what Zoro would always do to him. Luffy broke apart the kiss and stood up, unzipping his jean shorts and pulling down his boxers. His cock standing up. Luffy lined his cock up with Zoro's mouth. "Suck." Luffy said in a voice deeper than his usual one.

"No! I'm not-" Zoro was saying until Luffy rammed his cock into Zoro's mouth. "I didn't ask you to talk! I asked you to suck." Luffy said in a Stern tone. Zoro started bobbing his head, when he started to quicken his pace, Luffy had start pushing his head down farther. Zoro choked on Luffy's cock. "Luffy! Your being to rough" Zoro mumbled, making Luffy's cock twitch. Luffy pushed Zoro's head down as he came in the back of his throat. Zoro's eyes went to the back of his head as he choked on Luffy's cum, swallowing what he could.

"Turn around and get on all fours." Luffy said. "Excuse me? You know that-" Zoro was interrupted. "Captains order." Luffy smirked.

~Usopp and Sanji~

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