Well, Well, Well~

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Ahaha, hello pls don't stop reading if you don't like this ship pls cause I'm sorry 😟🤞 and uhm yeah I'll probably make an extra but with a different ship of this chapter if you guys don't like this ship.

~Zoro's Pov~

I twisted the door knob and and started walking in. "Hey Spiral Brows, can you make a pla-" I was cut off by a "Mmm~ San..~" And that's when I saw it. I immediately shut the door and not to long after Sanji came out of the kitchen. Sanji walked towards me with a flustered face, rolling up his sleeves.

~No One's Pov~

Well, Well, Well~ Looks who's been caught. Zoro said as he smirked. Sh- shut the hell up. Sanji said stuttering at the embarrassment. "So you and ... Have been dating for.. how long"? Zoro asked pointing to the door. "Why the hell is it your business?!" Sanji slightly shouted.

"It's not my business.. but it wasn't your business yesterday with Me and Luffy, Now was it?" Zoro said, cocking an eyebrow. "Oh well, whatever. This has nothing to do with you.." Sanji blushed.

"Mhm, Whatever.. Luffy wants another plate of food." Zoro said still smirking. Sanji went back in the kitchen with no hesitation, since Zoro knew his secret he didn't want getting out. Zoro walked back into the kitchen to see Usopp walking out pass him. "Zoro, don't say anything and don't tell anyone!" Usopp warned. "Yeah.. I won't." Zoro said. After Zoro walked into the kitchen to get the plate of food.

When Zoro got to Sanji, he placed the plate in Zoro's hands. Zoro walked out of the kitchen, onto the deck and right back in the aquarium. Luffy stretched out his Arms and grabbed the plate. Then Zoro walked over and took a seat next to him. "Thank you Zoro". Luffy said as he gave him a kiss on the cheek before stuffing his face.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me! You won't believe what I saw when I went in the kitchen!" Zoro said completely ignoring what he told Usopp and Sanji. "OOF WAF IS IF?!" Luffy said as his eyes sparkled and then proceeded to swallow his food.

"Sanji and Usopp we're kissing, AND THEY'RE DATING!" Zoro said, quietly shouting. Luffy spit out his food. "SANJI AND USOPP?!?!?" Luffy questioned a little too loudly.

Zoro immediately covered his mouth and waited a few seconds... And nothing.

"Yes, Sanji, the one who's literally obbesed with woman and Usopp the one already has a girlfriend but I mean you can change paths... Right?" Zoro said. "Yeah of course he can!" Luffy said. "I'm done now and I'm full, that was a lot, TELL SANJI I SAID THANK YOU AND I LOVE HIM AND THE FOOD" Said Luffy, trying to piss off Zoro. Zoro stared at Luffy for a few to see if he would change his mind he didn't, so he got up and went to the kitchen.

He gave the dish to Sanji for him to wash since he was in the middle of washing them. "Also, Luffy said thank you and he loves you and the food." Zoro said a little pissed.

"Whatever." Said Sanji. Zoro was even more pissed the most amazing person on this grandline just said they love you, and all you say is "WHATEVER"?!?!  Zoro grabbed Sanji by his collar, "Listen you little shit, Luffy just said he loves..." Zoro looked Sanji up and down. "Well.... You! And all you have to say IS WHATEVER?!" Zoro said pissed at his bluntness. " "He's you boyfriend, not mine." Sanji said back. "so your not gonna argue with me..?" Zoro asked.

"No." Sanji replied. " Aww, did Usopp change you?~ that is adorable!~ Zoro teased the hell out of Sanji, till Sanji couldn't handle it. " Oh yeah?! Well Luffy changed you, you've been all lovey dovey with him, you haven't even trained. AND WHEN I SAID SOMETHING TO YOU, YOU DIDN'T ANSWER ME BC LUFFY WAS RIGHT THERE, SO HAHA!" Sanji said back as he just finished washing the last dish. Zoro just "tch" and headed towards the door, leaving Sanji in there Alone.

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