Lucio x Demon Nora PART 2

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~~~years later~~~

Lucio: *looks over at the ocean and thinks about Nora* I'm so sorry Nora.

Nora: *appears behind Lucio*...bullshit. *eyes are closed*

Lucio: *turns around and is in shock*...No-Nora?! NORA!! *runs over to hug her*

Nora: *opens eyes to reveal that they are a demonic blood red and her wings appear*...*smirks and catches lucio's arm* my, oh how the tables have turned. *throws Lucio up into the air* time to suffer you bitch.

Lucio: *eyes widen*

Nora: *appears in the air and raises her right hand and flexes it, causing her claws to appear*...perish...*stabs Lucio in the heart*

Lucio: *eyes widen more and coughs up blood* I'll always love you Nora. *dies*

Nora:...*shoves Lucio into the ground*...tch...I told you that once before but now I feel nothing. Goodbye Lucio. *walks away and vanishes*

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