Brazil-chan and 2pGermany

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Brazil-chan: *busy talking with 2pCanada and 2pAmerica*

2pRomano: so Lutz, you should go and talk to Brazil-chan.

2pGermany: *looks in Brazil-chan's direction* why? 'Damn, I want that Frau.'

2pRomano: because I talked to her earlier. We went shopping together and she accidentally let it slip out that she likes you. *chuckles* I think you should go and talk to the bella.~

2pGermany: *looks in Brazil-chan's direction again and just stares at her*

2pAmerica: ah come on doll face. Just go out with me. Let me rock your world, babe. *smacks Brazil-chan's ass*

Brazil-chan: *jumps* no Al, not interested. And don't get any ideas Matt, cause that goes for you as well.

2pGermany: *watches a and gets a little jealous*

2pRomano: *walks over to Brazil-chan* ciao Brazil-chan. *whispers to her* 2pGermany wants to talk to you.

Brazil-chan: w-what? N-Now? Umm...o-okay...*walks over to 2pGermany and shyly looks up at him*

(Using human names cause I'm lazy!)

Lutz: so you're Flavio's friend?

Rita: *nods* y-yes, I am.

Lutz: and he told me that you like me.

Rita: *blushes a little* y-yes.

Lutz: *smirks and hugs her*

Rita: *blushes a deep red* Lu-Lutz...

Lutz: yes?

Rita: S-So you fe-feel the same?

Lutz: *kisses her*

Rita: *stands there in shock then melts into the kiss*

Lutz: *pulls her closer*

Rita: *kisses him back*

Lutz: *pulls away and looks at her*

Rita: Eu te amo, Lutz

Lutz: I love you too.

Rita-chan(admin) & Fem. Brazil: RANDOMNESSWhere stories live. Discover now