N. Brazil and her Children

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Yes I'm gonna make a few one shots of North Brazil's children.

Chibi Italy: LittleFluffs

Chibi Romano: Romano_Hetalia

Fem! Chibi Mexico: Chibi-FemMexico

N. Brazil: those are my 3 little angels!! *smiles*

Luunaa: Mrow! * paws the air happily*

Rio de Janeiro: big sister Rita is a wonderful mother and I'm so happy to be an aunt!

2pN. Brazil: ya, this means that they are kind of my kids too but they are all 1p's. I'm a fucking bad ass 2p. And if you think I'm bad. *shakes head* then clearly you have been blessed by kami. Cause you do not and I mean DO NOT want to see my 1p turn into an overprotective mother jaguar.

Mayan Empire: she gets it from me. *giggles* oh and another thing...
*holds up a scroll*

Mayan Empire's children:

Chibi Mexico: nerdyMexico

Chibi Puerto-Rico: PuertoRico_chan

Chibi North Brazil: @Brazil-chan

Chibi South Brazil: TheFloatingFedora

Chibi Central Brazil: Central_Brazil

Chibi Cuba: LovelyLittleSister

Rita-chan(admin): heke?! SWEET STING-SAMA'S HOLY NOVA!! (shout out to Stinger! Sting_Sama ) Maya, you have a whole lot of kids!! Whose the father?

Mayan Empire: Aztec Empire of course. And if anyone ever hurts my children in any way... *the gates of Xchilba open and demons fly out* I WILL MAKE YOU WISH THAT THE MAYAN GODS AND GODDESSES HAD NEVER LET YOU ENTER THIS WORLD!!!!!

Rita-chan(admin) & Fem. Brazil: RANDOMNESSWhere stories live. Discover now