Admin and her boyfriend on skype!!

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Me: LUTZYYY!!!!!! NYAAA!! OMG OMG OMG I MISS YOU!! And a lot of guys keep flirting with me!! ;(
Lutz: VHAT?!! THOZE BASTARDS! THEY CANNOT HAVE JOU!! Mein! Ich vould give jou a hug but jou are in America and I'm here in Brazil. Ich is staying vith jour family. They are very gute to me. Ich liebe dich mein liebe.
Me: aww! Eu te amo Lutz. Sooo will you come visit me around Christmas time?
Lutz: Ja! Ich is jour present. >;)
Me: Lolz you're such a perv but I love you! So if your my present then I guess I should dress up.
Lutz: *blushes* mein gott! Now jour just a tease! Haha! Shit! Ich has to go. Got class tomorrow. Ich liebe dich Marita.
Me: aww okay. And Ich liebe dich auch Lutz.
Lutz: gott, when jou speak German to me vith jour accent, it's just a turn on. Haha. Bye.
Me: haha. Bye baby.

Rita-chan(admin) & Fem. Brazil: RANDOMNESSWhere stories live. Discover now