Chapter 1

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TW: Abuse

Y/n's POV:

Ponyboy, Dally, Johnny, Two-Bit and I were all walking home from the Drive In after watching some movie Dally wanted to see. It was some beach movie with broads that looked terrible.

"Dal' why'd we have to watch this? We could've done somethin' else fun!" Two-Bit half yells.

"Because I wanted to do something other than board games and watchin' Mickey Mouse." Dally replies

"DID YOU JUST SAY MICKEY MOUSE WAS BAD?" Two-Bit was now screaming so I jumped in.

"Yes he did but he's an idiot either way so it don't matter anyway alright?"

We walked up to me and Johnny's house only to hear our parents yellin' and fightin'. Pony looks at me and with sympathetic eyes he says,

"Why don't y'all come over to my place so we can chill and play games."

Johnny says, "Good idea, I've already gotten enough beatins' today."

Although he mumbles the last part and I think I was the only one that heard that. We walked about 1 block before we made it to the Curtis House. It was nice and small but had 2 bedrooms which seemed to work really well for them. We walked through the gate and through the front door to be greeted by the rest of the gang.

"They're back!" Steve yells

"Hey gang!" Sodapop yells running in. Soda stopped and starred

"Why'd you guys take so long at the movies? You know I hate when you're late Ponyboy." Darry says acting all serious like usual.

"Y'know i didn't mean it, just forgot, besides, Ol' Dally came with us, ain't no harm." Pony said walking to the bathroom.

"You "forgot", how many times you gonna forget?" Darry said sternly, he was leaning on the doorframe.

"I said I ain't mean it." Pony said, looking back at him.

"Now don't go starting somethin' up again Pony, y'know Darry picks his fights." Soda said.

"Trust me, nothing starts till your pops throwing stuff at' cha. Johnny would know."  I said, looking at Johnny.

"Johnny boy's tougher than he looks." Dally comes walking in, lightin' a weed.

"Heya, Y/n.. can i talk to you?" Soda asks, rubbing the back of his neck. Steve looks at Soda, raising his eyebrows and grinning.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask as Soda pulls me outside.

"I wanted to ask you something, I've been wanting to ask you for a while now." He says.

"Go on, I ain't got all night or else I'll be beat when I get home." I say thinking about what he was going to say. He was twiddling his fingers and Steve was looking through the window at us along with Two-Bit. I had no idea was going on until Soda spoke up again.

"Y/n. are.... do..... You.... wan-" Soda started to ask but was cut off when Steve came running outside. He had a really worried look on his face.

"Y/n, its 3 minutes until 10, you best get home before you get beat." Steve said.

I look through the window at Johnny, call him over, and start sprinting towards our house. We ran really fast through the neighborhood. We got through the doors at 10:01pm. My dad was sitting there with a belt in his hand. I started shaking my head and Johnny looked as if he was about to run out the door. Our dad approached Johnny and his breath wreaked of alcohol.

"Your a minute late which means you'll be gettin a beatin'." He says

"We didn't mean to, the movie ran late, it wasn't our fault. Please." I say hoping something would happen. He looked at me as I stepped in front of Johnny. He hit me with the belt and pulled out a blade. He cut me on my cheek and my arm and pushed me out of the way. I watched my dad beatin' Johnny harder than he's ever been beaten before, so I tried to get up but my mom came and held me down.

Soda POV:

After Y/n and Johnny ran off I walked inside with Steve and Two-Bit shaking their heads. I just gave them a dirty look and went and sat down on the couch. I looked over at the coat rack to see Johnny and Y/n's jackets. I grabbed them and said,

"Guys they left their jackets lets go give them to them. Its cold they may need them later in the morning."

The gang just nodded and we walked down the street. Their house wasn't that far away but it was still a little longer of a walk. I walk up to the front door of the house and hear Y/n screaming for her dad to stop. Without thinking I burst through the door and can't believe my eyes. Y/n is on the floor bleeding from her face along with a now forming bruise from her mom holding her down. Across the room was Johnny being beaten so hard. He was bleeding and it was really bad lookin'. Without thinking I did something I will never regret.

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