Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV:

The gang had run through the doors after hearing me scream for my mom and dad to stop. They were both really drunk but probably don't regret anything that they were doing to us. I sat there struggling to get up when Soda did something really awesome. Soda comes over with Steve and pushes my mom off of me. The rest of the gang goes over to Johnny and starts battling my dad. After my mom stopped struggling to get me, I now had 2 more cuts on my arm. Soda picks me up and pulls me over his shoulder while Darry does the same with Johnny. They take us back to the Curtis house and lay us both down on the couch. Pony came over with a needle and stitches and said he needed to stitch up the cut on my arms because they were really deep. I'm sittin' down on the couch with Johnny next to me. Johnny looked really bad after my dad had givin him a good beatin'. This was one of the many that had actually left Johnny unconscious. Soda was sittin' right next to me with tears in his eyes. He always hated watching me get hurt, especially from my dad and mom. Pony came over with the stitches and said,

"Y/n this is goin' to hurt a lot. I'm really sorry but I have to do this before you bleed to death."

"It's ok Pony just go for it." I say with confidence not knowing how much this was going to hurt. I replied.

Pony puts the first stitch threw and I scream. I didn't mean to, it just came out because of how painful it was. He stopped because he can't do stitches with me moin' around. Soda grabbed my hand and just held it while Pony continued to stitch me up. I started crying my eyes out when it came to the second stitch because this was the most pain i've felt in a long time. Soda let me cry into his shoulder. He didn't really care plus I really need to be with him at that moment. When Pony was done I realised I had been basically hugging and clinging on to Soda the entire time. I looked down at my arm to see 3 cuts with stitches in them.

"Damn Y/n you sure are a tough little broad are you now." Dally said after watchin' the whole thing go down. I had Soda lay on the couch with me so I could rest my head on his chest. He always calmed me down and I always felt safest in his arms. Steve and Two-Bit were raising their eyebrows up and down at him. He gave them a dirty look and I just smirked. We stayed in this position for a long time before I fell asleep laying down on his chest.

*Time Skip*

When I woke up I was still in the same position except a certain thing was missing. What was it? Ohh. It was Soda. He must have gotten up a little after I fell asleep. I sat up and looked around. Two-Bit had his eyes glued to the TV like usual, Steve was in the kitchen with Darry and Ponyboy. Dally wasn't there but that's usual and Soda was nowhere to be found. Johnny wasn't here either. I wonder where he was. Once Darry found out I was awake everyone knew.

"Y/n you're awake!" Steve yelled.

"We missed you!" Two-Bit said as he pulled me into a hug, actually taking his eyes off the TV.

"How you feeling Y/n?" Darry asked.

"I feel fine at the moment." I replied

"Thats good, really good actually.' He said

"How long was I out for and where is Johnny?" I asked hoping to get both answers.

"You were out for a 1 day." Pony replied.

"Yea you slept like a dead person!" Two-Bit said. We all laughed at that.

"Oh shut up. Where's Johnny though?" I said after we laughed at the joke.

"Johnny is up in a spare bedroom we have. He is doing really good. He is all stitched up and is doing a lot better. At one point you were worse than he was we don't know why but it just happened. He should be able to stand up and walk around really soon. He is asleep right now." Darry told me.

All I did was nod because I was trying to process everything. Right as I was about to stand up and walk around maybe even go upstairs to see Johnny but I found Soda instead. He walked out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist. He looked so good with his hair all wet and he had abs. I sat there staring at him basically naked besides the fact that he had a towel over his lower body. I watched him as he sat there asking Darry where his jeans and DX shirt was at. I don't know how long he was going to stand there before he noticed I was sitting there staring at him. He left to go find his clothes but came back a minute later still with no clothes on. I was sitting there just staring at his perfect body when he finally noticed me sitting there looking at him.

"Heyy Y/n! You're awake." He says.

I shifted my eyes to his eyes and smiled. He smiled back. Steve comes over to Soda and picks him up causing the towel to drop from his waist to the floor. I'm sitting there looking for about 3 seconds before Darry comes over and covers my eyes. Two-Bit and Steve were laughing their asses off until Darry yells,

"Go put some clothes on dammit! You two shut your mouth before I come over and shut it for you!"

They immediately stopped laughing and covered their mouths with their hands but I'm assuming they had a smirk on their face. I'm pretty sure Soda left the second it happened. My mouth was still hung open with shock about what happened. I was blushing like a tomato. He was hot! I am so surprised he's not taken because based off what I just saw I'd be runnin' after him. Darry finally took his hand off of my eyes. I tried so hard to actually not laugh. I went and sat down at the kitchen table. Ponyboy came over and gave me a really quick talk,

"Y/n, I hope you know you have a little bit of drool still on your mouth. Also Soda, I wanna say he's off limits but that would be a rude thing to do so I'm just going to say, please please be careful."

"Pony I don't like Soda ok what happened was a complete accident and nothing about it was on purpose. I will be careful though because I know how much you guys all care for me. Alright fine I may have a tiny crush on Soda, don't tell him though o-'

I was cut off because Soda walked in and sat down right across from me. It was really awkward silence. I just looked down and fiddled with my fingers. Every now and then I would glance over and see him doing the same thing as I was. I was about to say something when Pony bursted out laughing along with the rest of the gang in the other room. We were all laughing for what felt like forever. We all eventually stopped and never decided to mention it that day.

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