Chapter 6

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When we arrived at the Curtis house they cleaned up the cut on my stomach. Thankfully it wasn't deep at all. It was just strange how much it bled. It didn't hurt either, it was just the fact I was almost raped by my own father. I've never done it before either so I was scared my first time would be from him.

"Y/n I'm so sorry this happened to you. You should have just gone through the window with me." Pony said.

"Pony, it's not your fault. My dad has been trying to do this to me for years now. I'm just surprised it took him this long to actually get this close to doing it to me. Plus if it wasn't for you I would have actually been," I paused then continued, "raped." It was awkward silence after that until Soda spoke up.

"We don't have to worry about that though because he is never going to touch you again I promise you that." Soda grabbed my hand and smiled at me. His smile was so nice and calming it made me smile back at him. Dally then burst through the door and said,

"Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been around. I've been doing stuff around. Anyways, how's Y/n Soda?"

"I am right here Dally, I think I can talk for myself. I was fine until I went back to get clothes and now I'm hurt again. Johnny is upstairs sleepin' like usual." I spoke back.

"I'm sorry you got hurt but I'm not that worried about you. I know you're a really tough cookie and can handle a bunch of stuff. Well of course except one thing. I don't think you would be able to stand rape since you've never done it." Dally said.

"Your right Dal' I've never done it before, the worst part is I was almost raped by my own father 15 minutes ago. Which is why my clothes are ripped and I'm half naked with blood all over my body." I snap back at him.

No one spoke for like a minute after I said that. Now the gang knows I'm still a stupid little virgin and almost lost it to my own dad. The dad that was supposed to protect me over time and not almost beat me and my brother to death multiple times.

"Hey, can I use the shower? I'm going to wash all the blood off me and change my clothes, since these ones are all torn up." I asked because no one else was talking.

"Yeah you can use my shower. Since you already know where it is and stuff." Soda says out of nowhere.

"Alright then I'll be down a little." I say as I head to the bathroom.

I walk into Soda's bathroom. It was tiny but still pretty nice. I got undressed and looked at myself in the mirror. I had seen what my dad did to my body. There were bruises and cuts from before. There were 2 scars from him too. I didn't spend too much time looking at myself in the mirror and decided to just get in the shower and rinse all the blood off my body. I washed my hair and shaved everywhere since it had been a little while. I got out of the shower and felt really clean. I put on my favorite shirt and pair of jeans. I did my hair and went back downstairs. Soda was on the couch so I went and sat down next to him. He put his arm around me and we watched TV until the rest of the gang came back from the store. I forgot that only Steve, Two-Bit and Pony knew we were now dating.

"What are you two doing?" Darry asked.

"Why are you guys all cuddled up together like that?" Dally asked.

"Have you not told them?" Pony asks.

"Are they dating Pony?" Darry asked.

"Yeah we are Darry." Soda says.

"REALLY!" Dally asks.

"Yeah Dal' we are." I say

"Damn Soda you got one of the good ones." Dally says as he winks at me.

"Oh shut your trap Dally." I snapped back.

"Do you guys wanna go to a movie tonight? That would be lots of fun since there have been a lot of bad events the past week." I ask.

"That would be really fun Y/n." Soda says.

"YES!" Everyone else yells.

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