Chapter 7

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TW: Almost Smut

We all started to get ready to go down to the drive-in once the sky started to get dark. I wore one of Soda's flannels because they were hella comfortable. We drove in 3 cars. Soda, Darry, Pony and I in one along with Johnny and Dally in a car and Two-Bit and Steve in another. When we arrived Pony and Darry left me and Soda in our own car to watch the movie. We cuddled up with blankets and started to watch the movie. I turned around to see what the rest of the gang was doing every now and then and I saw Cherry sitting with Sandy. Dally kept bothering Cherry and Sandy would just sit there flirting with Pony. I felt bad for Pony because Sandy could be a real pain when she wanted too. I turned back around and focused on the movie and Soda. The movie started getting boring eventually because everyone kept getting eaten from the sharks. All the broads kept bleeding and they had these really showy bikinis. I eventually stopped watching the movie and laid down on Soda's lap. He stroked my hair out of my face and started rubbing my back. I sat up, looked at him and kissed him. He kissed back and we started to make out. His lips were so soft it felt really nice to kiss him. He pushed me over and crawled on top of me, still kissing me. The kiss became more passionate and we started going deeper. His shirt barely lifted but I still felt his skin against my chest. We were about to take off our shirts when the movie screen went dark so our car went dark. The movie was over and it was time to leave the drive in. We sit up and get fixed when Darry and Pony come to the car. Darry gets in the driver seat with Pony next to him. I sit next to Pony and Soda sits on the end. I lay my head down on his lab and just relax. The whole way home he ran his fingers through my hair and along my face.

"Darry, isn't she just amazing? She's beautiful, kind, fun and the most beautiful girl I've ever met." Soda says in a whisper because he thought I was asleep.

"Soda this girl here loves you so very much you can just see it the way she looks at you." Darry replies.

"You said she was beautiful twice." Pony says.

"I don't care because she really is beautiful." Soda says.

"That's three times now." Pony mumbles. I gave a little snicker to that and they all heard me.

"Are you awake?" Soda asks my still body.

"Yeah I am," I started laughing when he hugged me closer and started to laugh.

I fell asleep still thinking about what Soda had said about me. We pulled up to the house and Soda carried me inside. I was a little awake so I was able to hear Steve and Two-Bit say aww. He carried me up to the bedroom and set me down on the bed. He turned his back for one minute and I stood up.

"I thought you were asleep!" Soda says.

"I was but now I'm awake and I have energy. Plus it's not even that late. It's 11 that's not late at all compared to the other times we've gone to bed." I say smirking at him.

Soda throws me one of his flannels and says, "Put this on ok and take off your jeans we're going to bed."

I frown and put them on. I left my bra on though for some reason. "Alright done."

We climb in bed and face each other. He is once again shirtless and just in his jeans. He traced the outline of my face with his fingers then looked me straight in the eyes. It was darker in the room but I could see his eyes. I loved his eyes. They reminded me of being free. He then kissed me right on the lips. I kissed back but there was something about this kiss that made me want more. We continued to kiss really passionately. He pushed me over and kept kissing me. He started to unbutton the flannel I had put on. I then knew why I kept my bra on. He unbuttoned the flannel completely and I was just there in my bra and underwear. He kept kissing me until he pulled away and started kissing down my body. I pulled him back up and kept kissing me on the lips. I flipped him over so I was now on top and kissed him. I kissed down his body like he did to me. His body was so smooth I thought I was going to die. He brought me back up and was reaching for my bra when Darry knocked and said,

"You guys know some people are going to bed right? Also if you do that I'm going to separate you guys."

We sighed and I yelled back, "Fine." bringing the e at the end to life.

We crawled back in bed. I didn't bother buttoning my flannel back up and just let it open. He held me close and started whispering in my ear,

"I promise I'll be careful with you. I will be safe and make sure you're ok. I don't want you to think I won't do that ok. I love you Y/n Cade. I really do." 

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