Chapter 4

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I couldn't believe we were actually kissing. I had been wanting to kiss him for so long now I was actually able to do it. He pulled away and said,

"Y/n I've liked you for a very long time now, will you be my girlfriend and make me the happiest person on earth that you got to be mine." Soda asked.

"It would make me the happiest person if you were mine." I replied.

I then rolled over and he then again wrapped his arms around my body. Feeling him up against me was like a dream come true. I've always liked Soda and I was so happy that he was finally mine. His skin was so soft up against mine and his breath smelled like mint toothpaste. I was in my comfort zone. I felt so safe in his arms. Just with that I fell asleep in my arms.

*Time Skip*

I woke up in the morning with Soda still hugging me. I heard whispering outside my door. I started to listen in to know what they were talking about. It was Two-Bit, Ponyboy and Steve. Those were the voices I was able to recognize from inside the room.

"Are you sure you saw them hugging?" Two-Bit asked.

"I'm sure, I went to see if they were awake and they were wrapped up together in the bed." Ponyboy sounding upset said.

"YES!" Steve yelled a little too loud.

"Shhhhhh!" Two-Bit and Ponyboy yelled.

"We have to go before they wake up and storm out the door at us." Ponboy said.

I could hear them leave so I just laid there and enjoyed listening to Soda sleep.

"Good morning," I heard him say in his sleepy voice. I almost died hearing him say that.

"Good morning," I said back to him.

I turned over and faced him. He gave me kiss on the forehead and said,

"You are really cute when you sleep, did you know that?"

"I didn't know that." I said and smirked at him.

He smirked back and grabbed me. He hugged me and gave me a bunch of kisses on the top of my head. His skin was so warm it was amazing. I told him about Ponyboy, Steve and Two-Bit and he just signed. I knew he wasn't too big on the idea of Ponyboy knowing since he was my best friend and his brother. We decided to get out of bed and I put some jeans on and walked downstairs.

"Morning guys!" I say

"Morning." Darry says while reading the paper.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Two-Bit asked, making sure to say it in a teasing voice. Steve then snickered at that comment. I didn't even care to answer and went and sat down on the couch.

"Are you going to answer?" Steve asked, continuing to tease me.

"Yes I did sleep well." I just said.

Steve and Two-Bit started laughing really hard. Soda came downstairs later and Two-Bit and Steve looked at him then at me and laughed.

"Where's Ponyboy?" I asked scanning the room and not see him.

"He was on the porch smokin' last time I saw him," Darry said.

I went outside and sat down beside Pony while he was smokin'. I didn't know what to say because he only smokes at home when he's mad. He already knew about Soda and I, he was the first to know since he apparently walked in on us while we were sleeping. I felt bad because he was my best friend.

"Pony, are you okay? You seem really down." I ask.

"Y/n, I saw you and Soda this morning." Pony said.

"Well, are you happy for us at least?" I asked unsure about what he would say or do.

Best Friends Brother - A Sodapop Curtis Love Story ( Discounted )Where stories live. Discover now