Chapter 3

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I decided to go to the DX. Soda and Steve worked there so I just hitched a ride with them. I got there and stayed in the garage with Steve while Soda worked the register.

"I saw the way you looked at Soda yesterday, you definitely have a crush on him don't you?" Steve asked.

"Me? Soda? Like? Crush? Pfft nah dude." I said kinda stuttering.

Steve just looked at me with this be honest look and I replied with,

"Fine I do, although it's only tiny so it's fine."

"It looked more than a tiny one because you were even drooling." He teased me.

I was going to reply but Soda walked out with 3 cokes, one for each of us. He also brought out a bag of chips for us to share. We didn't say anything because we were too hungry. Once we finished eating we just sat in silence, I don't know why but we did. Finally Steve broke the silence.

"Uh oh look what's comin' Soda." He said a little worried.

"Oh no, I don't wanna deal with them today. I'm tired of it." He replies.

"You're the one they come here for, dumbass." Steve told him.

No one could get anything else out because a red mustang rolled into the gas station, there were 4 girls in the car. I assumed they were all popular and Socs because of what they were wearing. Socs usually wear skirts with sweaters and their hair down with a headband in their hair. Greasers girls aka me, usually wear a jean jacket, or a flannel with jeans. I leave my hair down or in a bun but you can tell that I'm a greaser by the way I do it. The girls got out of the car and walked over to me and Soda. Steve went inside to hide I'm guessing.

"Hey Sodapop!" One girl in a blue sweater says really popping the p at the end.

"What do you want, Sandy?" Soda replies, very much so annoyed.

"Oh so you're completely over me and don't want me anymore?" Sandy says.

"Yea I don't want you no more ok so just stop. You got pregnant with your teacher's baby so I broke up with you. I'm over you so just get out of here." Soda says.

"We just want some gas really." says Cherry. I knew her from school.

"I can get you some gas then Cherry." Soda said as Cherry and the other 2 girls went with her to pay.

"Sodaaaa come on, you know I'm really sorry for cheating on you. You just wouldn't do it with me and I really needed that." Sandy said.

"I don't care Sandy, you cheated on me with a TEACHER and you can't fix that alright. Just go back to your teacher or something because I like someone else and let me tell you they are way more fun than you ever will be." Soda spatted back at her.

"Let me guess, is this her?" Sandy said, referring to me.

"Oh sweetheart leave us alone, he dumped you, and got over you so you need to leave us alone." I told her.

"Whatever you're definitely not the girl Soda is into. Look at you, you're a greaser, your hair is just gross, and what you're wearing is boyish, and you're fat. I don't think he could ever love some gross looking thing like you." Sandy said.

I was really mad at her now, I stood up and stood right in front of her.

"Oh honey you think im ugly and fat look at you, you wear pink sweaters that are ugly and skirts so everyone can see your non existing butt. And you're the one calling me fat, look at you." I said.

Sandy slapped me so I slapped her back. She slapped me again and instead of slapping her I grabbed her and threw her on the ground. She got up and pushed me to the ground causing one of my stitches to snap in my arm. I got up, pulled out my blade and held it out in front of her. Soda wasn't doing anything which I was happy about because I wanted to show this girl who I was.

"I don't think you wanna try anything like that again or else I will actually cut you. Oh and let's make one thing really clear, if you so much as come near Soda or talk to him I will come after you and I will not hesitate to do anything to you. Now that we got that clear get in your stupid looking car and get out of here." I said proudly.

Sandy just nodded and got in the car. The rest of the girls came out and started to leave. I flipped them off as they were driving away. All I got were dirty stares but I didn't care one bit.

*Time Skip*

We were done working for the day so we all got in the car and headed out. Soda and I didn't talk at all after what happened with Sandy. None of us actually talked to each other to be honest. We got home and we were greeted by everybody. Johnny was even there. I gave him a big hug and then had to sit down so Pony could check my stitches.

"Y/n! One of your stitches snapped!" He yelled.

"Oh yea sorry I got into a fight with this other girl and it just snapped." I said

"You are really lucky I was going to take them out today because if they were fresh I would have to restitch you." he said as I gulped from the memories of the pain.

"It's alright she was lucky. Who was this girl you fought?" Darry asked.

"It was Soda's ex Sandy, she was being a complete pain in the butt so I dealt with her." I said as if it was no big deal.

"Well that's good. Someone finally had to show her she isn't't worth it. You okay Soda after all that and Sandy?" Darry asked

"Yea I'm perfectly fine. It was fun watching Y/n do what she did to her." Soda said.

He looked over at me and I looked at him. We looked into each other's eyes for a while. Soda's dark brown eyes were dark. They were so kind and gentle but if he wanted they could be blazing with anger the next. His eyes reminded me of his dads. His eyes were everything and described so much.

We all talked and had fun that night and I was just settling into the armchair downstairs when Soda came over.

"Hey, are you really going to sleep there?" he asked me if I was dumb.

"I mean yeah im not going to sleep at my house with my parents." I said.

"No, I mean you're welcome to come and sleep with me in my bedroom. My bed is huge and I don't take up all the space." Soda said.

I said sure and we walked to his room. His room was nice and small and had a pretty big bed. I was going to change but I remembered I didn't have any clothes. Soda must have read my mind because he threw me one of his flannel shirts for me to put on. It was really big on me so I took off my jeans. I was in my underwear and his flannel shirt. The shirt smelled like him and it made me really comfortable. I crawled into the left side of the bed and got really comfortable. He climbed into the other side of the bed with his jeans on and his shirt off. We just laid there.

"Y/n," Soda started.

"Yea," I replied.

"I'm really sorry about Sandy." He said, kinda quiet.

"Oh Soda," I faced him then continued, "it wasn't your fault."

"Thank you Y/n," Soda said.

"Of course Soda," I said.

I turned over so my back was facing him, Soda then rolled over and wrapped his arms around me. I then rolled over and did something I had been wanting to do for a very long time. Our lips were together, we were kissing.

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