Chapter 8

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After Soda said I love you to me my heart melted.

"I love you too, Sodapop Curtis." I whispered back to him then fell asleep.


In the morning I got out of bed before Soda and went downstairs. I sat on the couch and watched TV with Ponyboy like we used to do in the past. Soda slept in until around 11 which was surprising because we didn't stay up after Darry yelled at us. He came downstairs looking really tired. He got coffee which he almost never does and sits down in the armchair. We all just stayed at the house today until it was about 12:30. I waited for a little before Johnny came downstairs. He still didn't know about Soda and I along with moving out of the house.

"Johnny how you feelin'?" Darry asked.

"I'm ready to do anything. I've been cooped up in there for way too long." he replies.

"Good. You're lucky kiddo because today we are playing football. Besides Y/n, Soda and Steve because they have work." Darry says.

"Wait Y/n you got a job? Where?" Johnny asks.

"Well not yet but I'm going to see if I can work at the DX." I say.

"Oh Y/n I forgot to tell you I'm the owner so yes of course you can work there." Soda says.

"Alright cool. So Johnny I work at the DX now." Everyone laughs. We say bye and head out.

Today was a really boring day at the DX. There were only a couple people that needed to get their car fixed and there weren't a lot of people that needed gas either. The girls from the other day never came by and I was so thankful that they didn't come by.


We were all back at the house and we had just finished dinner. Soda, Steve, Johnny, Pony and I were playing board games with each other. While Dally, Darry, and Two-Bit were watching TV. There was a knock at the door and Steve said not to answer it because he knew who it was. They kept knocking so Soda went ot get it. Steve went with him. It was Sandy.

"What are you doing here Sandy?" Soda asks.

"I came to talk to you." Sandy replies.

"I don't want to talk to you alright Sandy, just leave me alone." Soda replies.

"Soda I am really sorry for what I did and I really want to get back together with you." Sandy says.

I was getting really pissed off at what I was hearing so I went to the window and watched the conversation. Everyone else did the same thing.

"I don't want to get back together with you alright." Soda kept saying.

"Soda, listen we can raise the baby together, get our own house and even continue to have more kids!" Sandy exclaims.

"Sandy, you better get going." Steve said.

"I am not leaving until Soda says yes. I don't care if it takes all night, but lets speed up the process." Sandy says taking a step closer.

Sandy kissed Soda. I watched it all go down. Soda pushed her off him and I walked outside. Darry followed me because he was worried about what I was going to do.

"Bitch you need to leave right now!" I yell at her.

"Soda is this your girlfriend?" Sandy asked a little disappointed.

"Yes I am his girlfriend and you just kissed him so if you don't leave right now I'm going to drag you off the porch and throw you in the street." I said.

"I'm not leaving because soda chose the wrong girl and I want him back." Sandy exclaimed.

"Alright we are done here." I say.

I walk over to her grab her and push her up against the wall. I punch her in the face and say,

"Get out of here unless you want more."

"Soda please help me. She is going to kill me." Sandy whines.

I let go and she runs over and kisses Soda again right in front of me. I start walking over to her and Darry holds me back.

"Ha see I told you they want me in the family more than they want you!" She yells.

That broke me. I stopped fighting and just sat there.

"Sandy leave right now or I am going to let her go." Darry says.

"I came prepared this time." She says with the worst looking smile on her face.

Darry lets me go and I pull out my switchblade.

"You wanna leave now? I told you last time I won't hesitate." I say.

She just punches me and I drop my switch. I punch her across the face and push her down the porch. She has a couple scraps on her and says,

"Your tuff but you will never win Soda. I will be back with Soda and I know you will take me back." She runs off.

"I told you not to answer the door." Steve said.

"I swear Soda if she comes back I'm going to actually beat her up. I will not hesitate one bit like I did today." I say

"I will let you beat her up next time she comes around because I know your way better than she is." He replies.

I walk inside after picking up my switchblade and go to the bathroom. I cleaned up and went to bed without telling anyone. I couldn't get Sandy's words out of my head. 'They don't want you in the family.' I left it and fell asleep.

Best Friends Brother - A Sodapop Curtis Love Story ( Discounted )Where stories live. Discover now