Chapter 10

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TW: Smut

I pulled away from the kiss and asked him the biggest question ever. I was really surprised I said it without stuttering too.

"Do you have protection with you?"

"Yeah I do. I bring two around wherever I go." He says.

"Alright." I say as we go back into our kiss.

I pull away again and say,

"I brought blankets and a mat. Let's go in the back of the truck so we have more room." He nods and we get everything laid out.

We looked at each other and started kissing again. We sat there kissing for a little while before he took off his shirt. I took mine off as well. He had his hands all over my skin and it was driving me crazy. I pushed him down and climbed on top of him. I was kissing his body and even gave him a small hickey on his stomach. I went back up to his face and started kissing him again. He slid his hands up and down my back until he unbuckled my bra. I grabbed my bra and threw it to the side of the truck. Now we were both completely shirtless. He grabbed my waist and flipped me so I was now on the bottom. He started kissing me all over my chest.

"Are you okay with all this?" He asks.

"100%. I think I'm ready." I say.

He goes back to giving me a hickey on my stomach and I think one on my boob too. I loved this man so much it was making me insane. If I wasn't going to spend the rest of my life with him I don't know what I would do. He stopped for a little and pulled off his jeans leaving him in just his boxers. He continued to kiss me even down my legs. He pulled off his underwear and put on protection. I just pulled off my underwear. I took a deep breath and he said,

"Are you sure you wanna do this? Like you're okay with this right?"

"Yea I am. I'm just a little more scared than I thought I would be." I replied.

"Do you trust me?" He asks.

"I always will." I say.

He then nods and kisses me on the forehead.

"Want me to countdown?" He asks.

"Sure that might help a little." I replied.

"Alright. 3." He says.

"2." I breathe in.

"1." I breathe out.

"0." He goes in.

It hurt really bad so I just focused on breathing in and out. I closed my eyes and kept focusing on breathing.

"Babe, you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm alright it just hurts a little." I replied.

"Do you want me to stop? I can stop if you want." He says.

"No it's ok, you can keep going I think I'm okay." I say. He nodded, kissed me on the lips and continued. I closed my eyes again and bit my lip. Soda was going really slow and kept checking in. I was doing really good actually. I thought I would only be able to go a little bit but we did for a while. He pulled it out and laid down beside me.

"Hey are you alright?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm fine. I don't know how I'm going to be walking but other than that I feel fine so far. How are you?" I replied.

"I'm good. That was good. Was that how you thought it would be?" He asks.

"No, not really. It wasn't too bad but it also wasn't too good." I replied.

"We probably should get back. They are going to wonder why we are taking so long." He says.

I nod and we get our clothes back on. I pack everything up as well. I stood up and he helped me out of the car. I took one step and a really sharp pain went through my thighs to my private part. I gasp and Soda runs over to me.

"Y/N! Hey are you okay? What's wrong? Why'd you gasp?" He asks, really worried.

"I'm fine, my legs just hurt really badly along with my other parts." I say

He picks me up and puts me in the car. The drive home was really peaceful. I tried to massage where it hurt so I wouldn't walk weird when we got back to the house. We pulled into the driveway and he helped me out of the car. I tried my best to walk normally but it was no help. I walked as normal as I could into the house and sat down on the couch really fast.

"You guys are back, it took you guys like an hour and a half." Pony says.

"Yeah sorry we found a field and watched the sunset." I replied.

"You're acting weird." Steve says.

Two-Bit looks at me then Soda and laughs.

"Why are you sitting like that?" Dally asks, catching on to what Two-Bit was doing.

"This is just a really comfortable position." I say hoping nothing would happen.

"You never sit like that, and I mean never." Darry says.

"The other day you even said that was the worst position to sit in ever." Pony adds on.

Steve then looks at me, then to Soda and then to Two-Bit. They both started laughing really really hard and I knew they were catching on. Dally kept eyeing me and Soda suspiciously and I knew he was going to find out really soon if I didn't move. I just gulped and uncrossed my legs, wincing as the pain spread through my legs. I was hoping no one saw me wince but everyone did. Even Johnny knew something was up. Steve and Pony's jaws just dropped then and I knew they had found out.

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