Chapter 5

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TW: Sexually Abuse

"Y/N! Of course I'm happy for you two! I've been waiting for you two to get together for such a long time now. I just really hope you guys don't break up because if you guys do, I'm going to have to choose between my brother and my best friend." Pony said.

"Oh Pony, thank you so much. This means so much to me and I promise I'm never going to break up with Soda because I don't think I can find someone like him. Although I just remembered. I have to go home. I have to get clothes and stuff." I hesitate about the end.

"I'll go with you. How about that. I'll sneak in through your window and help you pack your things. Then we can go to the law place and have Darry legally adopt you! You and Soda can still get married and everything because you guys aren't blood related!" Pony says with excitement.

"Ok ok Pony one thing at a time and that's getting me and Johnny's stuff from our house. You can come just please don't be seen by my parents, they will get really upset." I say.

Pony nods and we start walking to my house. We get there and he walks around the house to my window. I walk through the front door and see no parents. I was happy because I wouldn't have to deal with them. I walk back to my room and let Pony in to help me pack. We grab everything for the most part. Clothes, makeup, toothbrush, hairbrush, stuffed animals, photos and that was basically all. I changed out of Soda's shirt and put it in the bag. Pony takes my bag when I hear the front door open and close. My parents were home.

"Pony! Go out my window with my bag. I'll see you out front ok. If I'm not out within 15 minutes get Soda and Darry and if you hear me scream get them because you can't fight my parents alone." I say to him and push him out the window.

I walked out and once again my parents were drunk. I started walking for the the front door when my dad clears his throat and says,

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm leaving, why?" I say not trying to give an attitude.

"Don't give me attitude missy!" He said and slapped me.

"Dad please stop ok. I didn't mean to. I'm just a little hurt after you made me get 3 sets of stitches in my arm." I spat back which I know wasn't a good idea.

"You think I care? I'll give you more to remember. How about that? No, I need to give you something you will never ever forget, you hear me!" He says as he closes the door.

He takes his belt out of his pants and whips me only once before he holds me up against the door with his hand around my throat. He then reaches for the zipper to his pants and pulls his pants off. Once he did that I knew what he was going to do. I tried to scream but he covered my mouth. He ripped my shirt and started touching me all over. My mom was just watching laughing at the way I was struggling. He then took out his knife and cut my stomach a little. He got my blood all over his hands and rubbed it all over my body. Then using the knife he cut my pants. He took his underwear off and he was about to do mine but he apparently had to rub more blood on my body even though it's my body. Before he could do anything else I bit him and ran out the front door terrified. I see Soda, Darry, Pony, Two-Bit and Steve running up to my house. I ran out to them limping because my dad stuck the knife in my leg. I run out to them but when Pony tries to hug me along with Darry I flinch because of what my dad did. Soda comes over, I still flinch, he picks me up ignoring the flich and carries me back to the house.

"Soda. My dad. He tried. Rape. Knife." I tried to speak but they were just separate words.

"Y/n, listen it's ok. We are going to take care of you. He won't get to you ok. You're safe." Soda tells me.

"Soda. I'm scared. What if? He finds me." I was talking but they weren't complete sentences.

"Y/n it's ok im going to make sure he never touches you again. If he comes near you he will have to go through every one of us to get to you because I'm not letting him touch you ever again. Same goes for Johnny." Sodas tells me.

Once Soda told me that I buried my face into his jacket. Soda smelled so good I had to sit there for a minute and just smell him. He held me close to him as we walked back to the house. I felt so safe sitting there. Soda made me feel so safe I knew I would be ok.

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