Chapter 11

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I was sitting there on the couch watching Steve and Pony drop their jaws. I gave them a glare telling them to shut up but they didn't move. Two-Bit and Dally looked over and caught on to what they had their jaws dropped. I put my hands over my face and was about to cry because I didn't want this to happen.


I felt my face get red and just hid my face in my arms.

"OH MY! YOU DID!" Dally was screaming.

"Dally what is going on?" Darry asks.

"Really Darry? Think about it. The two kids went for a drive alone and came back a long time later and now the lady is sitting criss-cross applesauce on the couch and when she moves her legs she winces from some kind of pain." Dally says.

Darry looks at Soda and says, "You didn't, you couldn't have. Did you?"

Soda just stayed silent. Johnny was in the room and looked at me with eyes like are you okay.

"Alright fine I'll figure it out myself since you won't tell me Soda. Y/n, stand up right now." Darry commands.

I just sat there because I knew what he was trying to do. He tells me again to stand up but I refuse. Soda walks over to Darry and tells him to stop. I tried to stand up but couldn't because the really sharp pain came back. I gasped and grabbed my upper thighs which did solve Darry's question. Johnny came over and sat next to me. I laid my head down on him and curled up in a ball because of the pain. He moved the hair out of my face and started to talk to me in a whisper voice.

"Did he treat you well?"

"Amazing," I whispered back

"That's good. I'm ok if you guys date but please be careful and I really don't want him to bring any kind of pain to you. I know this pain will happen multiple times but I still am a little worried." he whispered really fast.

"I know Johnny, I'm being really careful and he was really supportive and helpful the whole time." I accidentally talked a little louder but I don't think anyone heard me. Johnny nods at my comment and I smile at him. It was really silent that night and Soda kept being questioned by everyone if he treated me well. I thought he treated me the best anyone could ever treat me. It's 12:30 and I want to go to bed so I sit up and stand up. I was surprised I was able to do it because my legs were so wobbly. I used the wall and started walking to the bedroom.

"Oh Y/n do you need help?" Darry asks.

"I mean I could use help but I also have the wall to help me." I say back but before I know it Darry comes over and helps me to the bedroom. He closed the door and I knew he wanted to talk about what happened. He had a serious look on his face but I knew he wasn't going to be too harsh about it.

"Did he listen to you? Did he treat you well? Did he make sure you were ok? Did he make sure you felt comfortable? Did he ask permission?" He asked.

I looked at him and replied, "Yes, to all your questions. Darry I knew from the beginning he was going to treat me really well through everything. I've had many opportunities to do it but I never felt safe enough until I met Soda. So yes he did treat me perfectly."

He nodded and kissed my forehead. He left and said goodnight. I put on one of Soda's sweatshirts and my shorts. The shorts were really short and soft so I just wore them to bed and nowhere else. I climbed into bed and was about to fall asleep when Pony walked into the room.

"Hey Pony what's up." I ask him.

"Y/n how did Soda treat you, like really?" He asks.

"Oh Pony, I was always scared to do it but when I was with Soda I felt safe because I knew he would respect me in every single way and he did." I told him.

He nods and leaves saying goodnight. I was about to drift off again when Soda came in. He just took off his shirt and climbed in bed. I could tell everyone was asking him the same questions because he looked a little bit exhausted. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. I take a deep breath in because it hurts really badly.

"Y/n, are you sure you're okay? You look like you're in a lot of pain right now and earlier." He asks in his sleepy voice.

"Yeah I'm alright it just hurts but I guess our first times can't always be 100% alright. I'll be fine by tomorrow I hope." I told him.

"That's good because I never wanted to bring any pain to you," he says.

"Oh Soda, it's not your fault, ok. I love you." I say.

"I love you too Y/n" he says as we cuddle up close and fall asleep. I don't think I ever slept so peacefully before because when Soda had his arms around me I felt so safe. I know he would always protect me to the best of his ability. I also know that no matter what happens between us I will always love him. I've never loved someone so much before. He was perfect. His eyes were beautiful along with his face. His personality was so fun and daring. I know we have only been together for just about a week but I feel like he will be the one I marry and grow old with. I just have that feeling in my stomach that he is the right guy for me and there are no other people out there in the world that are perfect enough for me or Soda. I ended up falling asleep after thinking about him a lot. It was a good sleep.

*Time Skip*

It's been about 2 weeks since everything went down with Soda and I and the gang finding out. A lot of things have happened since. Johnny killed that one Soc Bob and he and Pony ran away. Dally said he didn't know where they were but no one believed him. I woke up and went downstairs. Dally was there so I decided to talk to him.

"Hey Dally, I need to talk to you." I say and lead him to the front porch.

"What's up doll?" he says.

"Don't call me that. I wanna come with you to see Johnny and Pony." I say.

"Alright fine but you're the only one I'm letting come with me. I'm leavin' tomorrow morning meet me at Bucks. Don't be late or else I'll leave without you.

I nod and we head back inside.

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