The Joker to his batman (stain x reader)

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Warning: this got some sexually suggestive stuff. Not much tho. No nudity or dongs so you good

This has a bit of crack to it if you squint. Your character is just a fucking comedian, so... yeaaahhh...


You were the bane to Stain's existence. That was what you always thought.

The man was always on your ass when you showed up, I mean, he would be chasing after you even if Endeavour was standing right in front of him.

Sorry, let's introduce you:

You're name is (L/n) (Y/n). But you go by the hero name Meth Addict. I'm not kidding.

You were a hero known for your ridiculous ways of defeating villains and making victims laugh in the most dire of situations.

An example would be when you went into a building full of human traffickers and came out with the victims laughing their fucking asses off with you in tow.

You don't wanna know what happened to the traffickers...

So you can imagine that someone like you must have annoyed someone like Stain, the hero killer.

I mean, you weren't his idea of a hero, and you shared a lot of traits with heroes that were attention seekers.

When you first met him, he tried to kill you, so you could imagine his fury when you didn't fucking die. Soon you would find yourself in a lot of ambushes that would include him trying to carve your throat out.

This would soon label the two of you as nemesis's in the eye of the public.

He was the murderous batman, and you were the joker but a hero.

People wouldn't think of you without Stain, and vise versa. It was like you two were a married couple, but the husband was trying to off his spouse 24/7.

Needless to say, you loved what the two of you had going.


That all kinda changed the day he attacked a hero by the name Ingenium.

See, it wasn't just the fact that he attacked another hero that really bothered you, but it was what he did to you that day...

When you swooped in and saved Ingenium from uncertain death in an uninhabited alleyway, you started doing your usual schtick of luring Stain away by shaking your ass at him. Literally.

"Yoo hoo!!! Over here!"

The noseless man looked towards you with gritted teeth as you shook your toosh at him.

"Look at me! I'm a hero abusing my power! Respect my authorit-Ah!!!" You said while smacking your ass.

The man let out a guttural growl and launched himself at you, swiping at you in hopes of getting some of your blood for his quirk.

You dodged the attack and stood on to of a dumpster, doing the crane pose.

"Can't do nothing but look!" You winked at the unstable man.

Somewhere behind you, Ingenium laid unconscious due to his injuries. One look at him had you wanting to wrap things up so you could get him to the ER.

Of course, this wasn't going to be a walk in the park with Stain, after all, he wasn't your nemesis for nothing.

"Your attempts of protecting your comrade is admirable, but it won't be enough."

"Okay? Your point? You expect me to stop just Because I may not get out of this alive?" You hopped off the dumpster can and held your arms out.

"My chances of winning may be low, but they're never 0." You continued.

The man's wide frown twisted into a nasty smile, clearly holding bad intentions.

"We'll see about that, hero." He said in a mocking tone before unsheathing his other blade.

"My name isn't hero, it's Meth Addict."
"Yeah. I'm not calling you that."

And with that, the two of you fought to the bitter end...

Just kidding. You just dodged while he tried cutting you.

Seriously, where the hell was your back up? You can't keep up with this fucker for ever. Stain was starting to catch up to you, cutting the fabric on your suit and nearly giving you small paper cuts.

You decided to put distance between you two By kicking him in the face and cartwheeling about 10 feet away.

The man spat out blood from biting the inside of his teeth before a sly but psychotic smile grew on his face, which wasn't a good sign.

The man brought his left sword up and licked up a small bit of crimson liquid on the blade.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that it was your blood, especially when you grew limp.

You fell to your knees, slouched over and paralyzed.

"Oh..." was all you said.

The inside of your thigh began to sting, and you figured out why.

Inside your thigh was a cut that wasn't deep but wasn't shallow either. Blood was beading from it, some drops trailing down your thigh and onto the dirty concrete.

You couldn't lift your head, but you knew the man was approaching you. He grabbed you by the hair and pulled your head back to stare up into his eyes.

"Man... I guess this is it, huh?" You asked.

The man didn't answer, his face an unreadable look.

"This is my end. In a dirty alleyway with some cockroaches and a corn chip." You said, referring to the piece of food next to you.

You smiled up at the man closed your eyes.

"If my dick was a salad, it would be a Caesar salad, aye?" You spoke the nonsensical sentence and awaited death.

Instead of a swift blade to the throat, you felt the man kneel down. You figured it was gonna be some satanic ritual that would send you to hell with Hitler and all the rapists and pedophiles, but instead you got something else.

Your mouth was shoved onto something fleshy with a hint of mint and blood. Confusion hit you harder than your drunk father and you found yourself locking lips with the man you consider your nemesis.

One thing led to another and in a matter of minutes, he had you straddling his hips while he tongue wrestled you.

You were still stuck in the state of confusion, wondering if this was the right guy.

The last you checked, Stain hated your fucking guts.

You expected it to be some random villain with a quirk that copied people's appearances, but apparently not.

No, this was really Stain.

'Mom, pick me up, I'm scared.' You thought as the man continued throat fucking you with his long tongue.

Luckily for you, it didn't go any further. He released you and left, leaving you and an unconscious Ingenium in a stank ass alleyway.

Unluckily for you, however, he got better at landing hits on you and paralyzing you before touching you in funny places.

And even more unfortunate, he would later kidnap you, you know, like a yandere.

The end...?

I don't know, I'm tired.

Yandere! BNHA x reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now