How yandere fathers react to their kids disrespecting their S/O hc

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This is based off of this TikTok challenge where the mother and kid records the reaction of the father to the kid telling the mother to shut up.

It kind of inspired me to make the reactions of yanderes.

Reader is gender neutral but is referred to as father/mother/mom/etc. everyone is above 18, obviously. People shouldn't be parents unless they are above the age AND they are ready for kids.

This is purely supposed to be comedic. Don't be like the yandere fathers/husbands in this story.


All Might

* First reaction is gonna be shocked silence.
* If he wasn't in his buff form at the time, he's gonna be in it the second he gets over his shock.
* "Young man, you get downstairs right now."
* Doesn't yell like a maniac, but he ain't silent either.
* Trust me, that doesn't make him any less scary.
* His tone is gonna be low, downright threatening.
* He won't raise his hand to his child, but he will intimidate them.
* "Who told you to talk to your father/mother like that?"
* Once you tell him it was a prank, he deflates.
* Immediately feels like a shitty father
* While your son is a little spooked by his father's intimidating display, he ultimately laughs it off.
* Toshi isn't sure if he should laugh or not.


* The moment he hears disrespect in this house, there's gonna be bruised asses left and right.
* The guy immediately shoots off the couch like a rocket and heads for wherever the little brat is like a homing missile.
* You need, and I repeat, need to yell at the top of your lungs that it is a prank.
* Once he hears (that is, if he even listens), he will calm down but ultimately flip out on you both for pulling such a stupid prank
* Kid is trembling in the corner
* All in all, it doesn't end well for your kid, and you feel like shit for not seeing this coming...


* at first, you would think he didn't hear what your son said as he is just sitting on the couch, grading papers... until he slowly gets up and stalks to where he is.
* It is silent... until it isn't.
* You never heard your 16 year old son scream so loud and high pitched.
* Aizawa comes back in and sits back on the couch, sipping some coffee while grading papers
* When you tell him that it's a prank, he'll stare at you for a second
* Make that 10
* "...oh."
* For the next week, your kid is working extra hard doing chores, school work, etc.


* "What did she say?"
* He remains seated in his spot but calls his daughter over.
* "You wanna repeat what you just said to your father/mother?"
* Your daughter is silent in fear
* Dabi is usually the laid back, fun parent.
* Not when you disrespect his bitch
* Doesn't matter if it's his own child giving lip
* You save your child from his wrath by telling him it's a prank
* He calms down, but he's gonna make sure you pay for it
* Grabs your ass and tells you that you're getting it tonight (wink wonk-)
* Your child literally runs out the room and has a panic attack due to her father being a lewd fucker to you
* Rip daughter's innocence 🙏


* this dude is soft for you and the twins.
* But he will scold the two for giving you lip
* "You do not say that to your father/mother, boys."
* He isn't acting all intimidating nor is he threatening them.
* But he does give them a long talk to the point where the two boys actually feel bad for telling you to shut up despite it being a prank
* You then proceed to awkwardly tell him that it was a prank
* He's immediately embarrassed, starts apologizing for yelling (even though he didn't)
* Later, though, he laughs along with you three
* 100/10 great father
* You may be wondering where the yandereness is?
* Trust me, he's a yandere
* If someone else yelled at you, insulted you, etc. he will not take that shit
* If it's in a public place, he will smile a tight-lipped smile but tell that person not to talk to his wife/husband that way
* That person will be found dead later that same day
* If it's in private, expect him to not hold back his wrath...

Yandere! BNHA x reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now