Okay, so this is gonna be a bit different. In this, Aizawa and Hizashi are married to each other and most of all, the Mc is going to be... accepting the fact that they are trapped in a polyamorous relationship.
They don't really enjoy the kissing and cuddling all that much but they try to just... endure it.
Basically, when Aizawa and Yamada kidnapped Mc, they were like "this is my life, I guess"
They don't have Stockholm syndrome, but they do kinda just accept that they're stuck.
Don't get them wrong, they're a little miffed about the situation, but they aren't gonna throw a fit over it like most normal people would.
TL;DR (Y/n) is trying to going with the flow but is still butt hurt about getting kidnapped by two hot men that are married to each other.
Oh yeah, and reader is gender neutral in this.
Also, ⚠️Warning⚠️ some anxiety stuff in here and some suggestive themes.
"Oh honeyyyy, I'm HOOOOOME!"
You clutched you're ears before rolling your eyes.
"Alright, yes, I hear you." You said while placing your book down. Hizashi AKA Present Mic was back from his teaching job at UA and immediately head towards you, who was sitting on the couch.
You braced yourself for the kisses and hugs and got exactly that. He sat next to you, laying on top of you while trying (and failing) to start a make out session.
"Ech! Please, Yamada! Control yourself!" You said, earning a laugh from the blonde man.
He complied and backed off but still laid on top of you with his arms wrapped around your waist.
"Now, now, dear listener, what did I tell you to call me?" He teased.
"Ah- well- I mean yes, I'll take the cute nickname, but I mean my first name, listener." He rubbed his nose into your neck, making you tense up.He relaxed his body once he was sure he wasn't crushing you and laid there limply. He was blissed out on top of you, scratching your scalp gently while muttering about his day. He was oblivious to your discomfort and your tense body.
In the the most subtle way, you tried shifting away from him and reached out for the plain old book you set before the man shifted his arms to wrap around your body.
The tensity in your muscles were starting hurt and your belly fluttered with that uneasiness and you decided to try and do something about it.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready for your radio show or something?"
"Nah, I'm already prepared and I only have an hour before my talk show, baby!"You narrowed your eyes mischievously before shooting your hands up to mess up his hair. He yelped in surprise when his hair was no longer standing up but instead was a mess.
"Are you now?" You asked sarcastically before going back to reading the boring ass book.
"E-Eh!? My hair!!! Darling how could you!?" He shrieked before rushing off to fix it.
For the rest of the afternoon, you were left alone. Hizashi had to leave to go to his talk show but got to give you a little peck on the lips (which you did not appreciate all that much) before he headed out.

Yandere! BNHA x reader Oneshots
FanfictionCome one, come all!!! Want something dark and twisted? Look no further... You also want some fluff? Well... um, it's also here, but it's still yandere, so... yee?