When they find find out about your oral fixation hc ⚠️NSFW⚠️

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This is it, boys. Oral fixation.
Never thought I get to this... cuz I never thought about it until now.

Warning: NSFW, Suggestive stuff, oral fixation, somnophilia, non/Dubcon, fetishy stuff, kidnapping.

Reader is gn.

🛑Minors get the f*ck outta here🛑

Go away! Shoo! This fic ain't for you!



* you know this guy will get flustered easily.
* He found out about your habit when he woke up to you suckling on his fingers in your sleep.
* He immediately took his fingers out, thinking you were trying to munch his fingers off
* When your stimulation left, you replaced it with your own fingers.
* He later asks about your strange habit when he catches you with an object in your mouth.
* "I dunno... I just like sucking on things..."
* Thank the lords Spinner's scales can't turn red- oh wait, is that a blush you see?
* Anyways, this has happened a couple nights in a row and he grew used to it... okay, maybe not totally. At least he knew you wouldn't bite his fingers off... but your soft tongue and your hot mouth-
* Yeah, you may or may not have left him hot and bothered.
* Especially when he wakes up to find you sucking on his neck.
* Don't tell anyone, but he may or may not have masterbaited while you were latched onto his neck.


* oh yeah.
* You know your boy is going crazy.
* Luckily for you and him, he had his special gloves on that left three of his fingers exposed.
* If he didn't have those on, you would have been dust in the wind...
* But anyways, when he learns that you like to suck on things, both in and out of sleep, he's whipping his dick out.
* He'll try his best to not gag you with his cock while sleeping... but you know he's going to lose control.
* The succ is too good, my guy.
* Expect your mouth tasting like nut in the morning.


* He'll know about this habit of yours before you get to know him.
* So you can bet that when he kidnaps you, he's not gonna be surprised when finding you unconsciously chewing on things or waking up to you sucking on his fingers.
* He actually finds this adorable.
* He views it like a kitten or a cat with attachment issues.
* Will whisper to you in your sleep while his fingers are trapped inside your mouth
* "That's it, kitten... little kitty needs to suckle, don't they?"
* Sometimes, he'll stick his thumb in your mouth while you sleep and rub your cheek with his free fingers.
* Don't worry, he washed his hands.
* He'll be cautious with your habit and make sure you don't stick something in your mouth that isn't meant to be chewed on.
* May or may not buy you cat-shaped chew toys that aren't choking hazards.
* Also might make you wear cat ears and tail.

All Might

* He is a concern.
* You are doing him a concern, (Y/n).
* He is worried that this habit of yours is stressed induced or something psychological.
* Not to mention the choking hazards!
* He'll be watching you like a hawk while trying to figure out a solution.
* He'll buy you a pacifier out of desperation.
* "Whenever you feel the need to suck on something, use this."
* Cue you staring up at him blankly.
* "...Toshi... No."
* When nothing else works, he'll shove his fingers inside your mouth to stop you from chewing on a fork.
* He starts feeling a bit funny whenever you engulf his fingers in your mouth...
* if you know what I mean. ;)


* You think this guy is gonna be surprised?
* He licks things for crying out loud.
* His quirk NEEDS him to put things with blood in his mouth.
* With that being said, he is understanding... but he's not letting you anywhere near his blades.
* Or anything soiled with fake heroes' blood on it.
* He won't mind if you decide to use him for stimulation of your mouth.
* He won't find it sexual or anything of the sort... unless you suck his dick-
* Also, if you are into it and are a kinky fuck, if you suck on his tongue, he's gonna be a blushing mess.
* He'll probably do the same stuff back to you.
* Might latch onto your neck and shoulders or whatever part of your body you offer him.
* He's got oral fixation like you in my head cannon.
* You and him are the SUCC squad.


* you have oral fixation you say? Okay!
* He gets food that you and him enjoy.
* The new information doesn't change much of anything, but it's good to know.
* He'll get you stimulation chew toys for you to chew on when he's not around.
* Nothing much really changes, seriously.
* He's already got food and oral based kinks before learning of your habit.
* He wouldn't mind using that mouth of yours... though he won't let you put all of him inside your mouth because, well, he's really fucking big.
* The tip is more than enough (wink wonk)
* All in all, you and yellow totoro are gonna be enjoying lots of meals together (either the sexual kind, the food kind, or both, it's up for you to decide :3)

* The tip is more than enough (wink wonk)* All in all, you and yellow totoro are gonna be enjoying lots of meals together (either the sexual kind, the food kind, or both, it's up for you to decide :3)

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She definitely a mommy dom.

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