This is gonna be VERY NSFW. I'm talking about some thirsty shit and fantasies.
SO MINORS UNDER 18 BEGONE!!!! Seriously, this ain't for you. Go read other stories or oneshots I did. Not this.
(Y/n) is gender neutral.
⚠️Warning⚠️: Anal, oral, sorta consented fúcking (Mc initiates it but isn't so sure about it), usual yandere stuff, polyamory, mind break (Mc is kinda having a mental breakdown before the main action)
Yeah, this is gonna be the most shameless smut out there.
Remember that this ain't how relationships should work. If you're unsure, then you're not ready. Don't have relationships like these, folks.
I wrote this a while back and never got to finishing it... and wow, was there a lot to rediscover. This was started back before New Years, so...
Be prepared.
~~~~~~~~~~~~If you were told 2 months ago that you would be initiating sex with your captors, you would have sat there uncomfortably and call that person crazy.
But here you are, feeling like sucking anything dick shaped (lmao, I wrote that just cuz XD). Of course, you had control over your urges, after all, you were human, but you were getting a little... how you say... restless?
Yeah, let's go with that.
The thought of asking Shouta or Hizashi hadn't crossed your mind when you had the urge to find something to pleasure yourself until recently.
By then, you were on friendlier terms with them after they allowed you to process and accept your captivity and forced relationship. They haven't got too touchy, only going for some hugs and kisses on the cheeks. Never on the mouth though, thank god(s)...
But now? Right now, you're feeling a little touch starved.
Maybe it's the Stockholm Syndrome talking... but Aizawa and Yamada are looking pretty damn fine. And it doesn't help that they have been super nice to you for most if not all of your captivity.
'I mean, it's not my fault for feeling attraction towards them. They were the ones who kidnapped me, and I clearly did not consent to that.' You would think to yourself.
And you were right.
It was never your fault to begin with, a victim is never at fault... but the brain can be a cruel and fickle thing.
It's sad really. Even the most self aware minds will doubt itself, twist and turn the idea that it's the victim's fault.
You would find yourself doubting yourself a lot, even hating yourself for wanting to ask the blonde man in front of you such... repulsive things.
'It's not my fault. It's the Stockholm syndrome.' You told yourself.
'Yeah, well if you know that it's the Stockholm syndrome, then why are you letting it control you, huh?' Another voice, you, questioned in a mocking tone.
While this storm inside your head was creating chaos, Hizashi glanced back at you every once and a while at you, mixing the batter in the bowl he was holding.
"(Y/n), my sweet listener, are you okay?" Hizashi asked politely, concern hanging off of each word.
You gripped the table a bit when you realized that Hizashi saw your deep frown.

Yandere! BNHA x reader Oneshots
FanficCome one, come all!!! Want something dark and twisted? Look no further... You also want some fluff? Well... um, it's also here, but it's still yandere, so... yee?