Endeavor x fem! reader ⚠️NSFW⚠️

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Oh boy, this is gonna be interesting, especially since a lot of people hate this fucker.

I don't blame them, usually a man that abuses his kids and makes his wife have a mental breakdown isn't someone to... enjoy.

He's an interesting character though...

Also, (Y/n) is gonna be bi/pan in this, though she prefers women more.

⚠️Warning⚠️: Dub-con, misogyny in the beginning(with a guy that abused his wife and kids, he most likely does not view women as his equal), big sexual tension, black mail, Endeavour is just an extra trashy guy here.



When it came to women, Endeavour preferred them smaller and submissive.

He is an old tradition man. Women give the children and the housework, men work hard jobs.

So you can imagine his inner turmoil when he met you, another hero that competed against him.

You were everything he should have despised in a woman. Stubborn, hotheaded, unforgiving, and outright rude.

You were tall, reaching near his neck, and muscular. He almost mistaken you for a man when he saw you from behind.

A curvaceous, sexy, beautiful man.

And to make matters worse, your quirk was almost matched against his.

Your quirk was Phoenix.

While you couldn't cause massive damage to everything like Endeavour's quirk can, you were still a force to be reckoned with.

Your fire burned people while it healed you. You could fly with your quirk, tearing through the skies in the shape of a bird.

And Endeavour hated it.

And it got so much worse when you became the number 3 hero.

At the time, All Might was still the number 1 hero, still being more appealing to the public than Endeavour. The red head's ranking was sandwiched between you and the blonde, and he wasn't having a great time.

It got even worse when he crossed paths with you during villain encounters. He was taking on those villains just fine until you butt in and did HIS job.

Your suit was darker than his, more shiny. Small, gold markings on the suit hugged your hips and body so well, allowing him to see every detail of you.

Every. Distracting. Detail.

Needless to say, he was extra grumpy that day. He didn't even give reporters a chance to ask him questions (not that he would talk to them if he was in a good mood) and left the scene as soon as he wasn't needed.

If he stayed for too long, he may have popped a boner...

But you nor anyone else needed to know that...

Things got worse for the man when he discovered something that he just couldn't fathom.

By this time, he would show up in places YOU would appear at, mostly during villain fights. He was trying to show you up, to assert his dominance by taking out more villains than you and stealing your job.

That's what he told himself.

It was something he would keep following you without anybody, including you, recognizing him.

Yandere! BNHA x reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now