Villain UA meets Ex-Delinquent (Y/n)

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This is a swapped version of the UA x Delinquent reader saga.

Everyone's a villain instead of a hero, and (Y/n) is the opposite of a delinquent, so...


WARNING: some bullying, swear words, name calling, evilness, yandere, wasted cookies.


* UA. The largest and most evil villain school in Japan (and the world)
* Many kids with dangerous and powerful quirks go in, and fully fledged villains come out.
* You were a kid once known for your terrible temper and bullying.
* Once.
* During the first year of your middle school, you suddenly decided to turn over a new leaf.
* Nobody who knew you knew why, and they were too scared to ask due to who they known you for.
* Despite this, you were forced to attend UA due to the reputation you built up and your horrific quirk.
* When you entered the room, the teacher, Aizawa, expected you to be as rugged and tuff as Nezu described you.
* You were not.
* "Hello! Nice to meet you all!"
* The class was silent.
* "I'm (L/n) (Y/n)! What are ya'lls names?"
* More silence.
* The class was in awe by your... whatever this was.
* A villain in training being nice? You're just asking to be bullied.
* The teachers were also appalled by your behavior.
* Was this the same (L/n) (y/n) they heard of? No. No, it couldn't be.
* There's no way you were the same person.
* But you were.
* At first, the teachers thought it was some sort of cover up to trick others into a false sense of security.
* Your classmates, meanwhile, bullied you.
* Some were subtle, some bullied you physically, and some verbally abused you.
* No matter what they did, though, you always gave them a smile. Sometimes it was a worried smile or a sad one, like you pitied them or something.
* Nonetheless, you still smiled. And it pissed certain people off.
* You tried your best to befriend them, even baking caramel and chocolate brownies.
* When Ojiro "accidentally" knocked the pan out of your hands, you went ham on his ass.
* It wasn't something personal or meaningful that set you off. No. It was someone knocking your hard work out of your hands that made you angry.
* "You don't FUCKING SLAP MY COOKIES, you monkey-tailed, primitive, ball-less, ABORTED FETUS!!!!"
* You yelled this all while holding him down and beating on his face like an angry gorilla.
* Everyone was frozen in shock at your switch, even Aizawa couldn't bring himself to stop you.
* When done, Ojiro was unconscious and caked in blood,
* You excused yourself from the room and came back with wet paper towels and started wiping the unconscious boy's face while humming a comforting tune.
* You then proceeded to pick him up gently and went to the doorway, but not before turning to the class with an apologetic smile.
* "I'll be cleaning up the floors later!"
* That day, you took Ojiro to the office and then cleaned up the room after school.
* The next day, you came to class with a different batch of cookies with little happy frosting smiles on them.
* Your smile was genuine and tender and you had a calming aura radiating off of you as if you didn't just lose your shit yesterday.
* Nobody objected to taking a cookie, some even taking a bite with a nervous smile.
* Those cookies were pretty nice.


* let's start by saying this: the teachers had mixed feelings about you.
* You were supposed the big bad (Y/n)- not whatever whoever this was.
* Aizawa didn't really acknowledge you much.
* All Smite may or may not have been picking on you though.
* "How'd a shrimp like you get into UA?"
* And you would answer him happily
* "Sorry sir, I know as much as you do!"
* Yeaaaahhhh... he may or may not have had his predecessor target you in school.
* It wasn't til after you teared Ojiro a new ass that the two men's opinions of you changed.
* All Smite didn't change his mind right away since he wasn't there to see it, but he was more curious about you.
* Since Aizawa witnessed you beat the kid, his opinions changed almost immediately.
* He would stalk you after school, study your behavior before coming to a conclusion.
* 1: you weren't faking your kindness
* 2: you had a lot of potential of being one of the best villains out there.
* As he stalked you more and more, he grew attached to you.
* You were the child he never had.
* As for All Smite, he picked on you less and less and grew more and more curious about you
* Of course he wouldn't go up to you and ask you questions about yourself, so he started asking his predecessor about you.
* He noticed that his predecessor, Izuku, complimented some aspects about you, something the greenette has never done before.
* He decided to see for himself how 'great' you were and watched your fight during the battle trials.
* Needless to say, he was impressed, not that you needed to know that.
* The teachers outside of your class noticed the changes in All Smite and Aizawa but went to see what all the hype is about.
* That very day, you may or may not have gained some Uncles, Aunty, and a grandma.

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