Delinquint (Y/n) gets kidnapped by LOV hc

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When you got kidnapped by the league of villains, what do you think happens?

...let's find out.

* "I want you to join us, (L/n)-san..."
* Why they kidnapped you, you didn't have a clue.
* Maybe it was your quirk.
* Maybe it's because you are a delinquent.
* Most likely the latter.
* when they let you out of your restraints, you stood up and just... stared.
* The room was tense as they didn't know what you would do.
* Last time they tried recruiting a UA student, he tried to blast them and then All Might busted through the damn bar.
* You looked at Shigaraki for a moment before a mischievous smirk came onto your face.
* "Hey guys, guess who I am?"
* You brought your hand to your face and said "heroes..." in a forced, scratchy voice with mock contempt.
* The league was stunned.
* Toga held a hand up to her face to hide her amused giggles (and failing) while Twice looked between you and Shigaraki in confusion.
* A look of realization came onto his face.
* "Oooooh... I get it! You're being Shigaraki! I can do a better impression."
* Shigaraki isn't amused.
* Dabi decides to interrupt him, Toga, and Twice.
* "Well kid? You want to join or are we gonna have to restrain you?"
* "Yeah sure."
* He wasn't expecting that.
* It's Magne's turn to speak
* "What really? Just like that?"
* "Yup."
* Compress pipes up too.
* "Why do you want to join... if I may ask?"
* You then proceed to tell them how your school practically babies you and how they never let you have your own fun (like setting Hizashi's hair on fire)
* "-and then they scolded me! I just wanted to see what it looked like when he ran all over the place with his hair on fire... and it would have been funny too!"
* While you say this, Dabi is thinking 'I already love this kid.'
* "He already looks like a paintbrush- oh hey, you wanna hear about how I put up pictures of Shadow the Hedgehog saying 'nice cock' in the school bathrooms and sent them out to parents and heroes?"
* "What- That was you????" Spinner exclaimed.
* Apparently, the whole 'nice cock' event was all over the news.
* Needless to say, you fit right into their group.
* They started piecing together how unhealthily obsessed the school was with you... all while growing their own unhealthy obsessions.
* Cue the over protectiveness.
* Unlike your school, they let you do what you wanted... for the most part.
* Dabi was your guy to go to when you wanted to set stuff on fire.
* Shigaraki was your gaming partner.
* Spinner was your sword and knife suppler.
* Kurogiri... well, when you turn 20, he will let you drink alcohol.
* And so on and so forth.
* Of course, nothing good ever lasts... especially when the ENTIRE school is looking for you.
* The moment they see you on the news with one of the villains from the league, they are snatching that ass back up.
* You can expect high speed car chases, not realizing that you are the prize.
* You narrowly escape every time.
* Some days, you have all of class 1A, 1B, or both tailing you, Twice and Toga.
* Other days, Aizawa is fighting Dabi while trying to capture you in his scarf.
* If whatever god up there wants some great entertainment, you'll find yourself in an all out battle between the school's teachers and students vs the league.
* Eventually, you are "rescued" and returned to your rightful place: within the gates of UA.
* It was fun while it lasted...
* Don't worry, though. The League will get you back some how.

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