Delinquent (Y/n) quits drinking hc

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Alright... so.
I'm sure you've all heard of this many times... but drinking alcohol excessively is very very bad.

A lot of people think that they can just quit cold turkey... but that's not the case.

Those who suddenly stop drinking after having an alcohol addiction can actually die due to the fact that alcoholic's bodies actually rely on the drinks.

I can't remember the science behind it, but it's terrifying. You're basically screwed if you drink excessively but also screwed if you just stop.

That's why I want to make this.

This fic is another part of delinquent (Y/n) series, but with a more serious spin. There will still be some comedy in this though...

If you are uncomfortable with alcohol, alcohol addiction, etc, it may not be perfect for you.

Warning: withdrawal, yandere, alcoholism


* you had this problem for a while.
* Sneaking alcoholic beverages to class and taking sips out of water bottles when no one is looking.
* After your teachers found out about you having weed tea with Nezu and having some vodka coffee, the teachers confiscated your vodka and all of your drinks.
* What they didn't realize was how deep your addiction was to alcohol.
* At the time, you only had one bottle due to not having the time to buy more bottles.
* Not even Nezu knew that it got to the point where you were having terrible hallucinations from the lack of alcohol in your system.
* Luckily for you though, you had the entire school watching your every move.
* After a visit from Recovery Girl, she confirms that you are indeed going through some bad withdrawals.
* She prescribes pills and encourages the teachers to get involved with your road to recovery.
* Aizawa forces you to take a week off of school and has All Might watch you.
* In that week, All Might encourages you to eat and drink water with his signature smile.
* He makes sure you get up at 8 in the morning.
* "Up and at 'em, young (L/n)! It's time to have a healthy breakfast and a glass of nice, cold water!"
* "...I don't feel so good, All Might-sensei..."
* "Then I shall help you up then! You need your medicine!"
* The first few days of this week, you are nauseated and vomiting.
* All Might makes sure to have extra buckets and makes you drink water afterwards.
* You're having bad tremors more often than not, to which Dad Might will hold you like a baby and rock you back and forth.
* It's really embarrassing for you, but you feel too unwell to say something about it.
* You are rolled up into a burrito and held most of the time.
* When it's noon, he'll have you do some stretches and yoga with him.
* He's gonna spit up blood, but he's still gonna do stretches with you.
* At dinner, everyone is having some unhealthy food... except you.
* "...what is this..."
* "It's a healthy, nutritious dinner, young (L/n)!"
* You look very unimpressed with it.
* You just want a burger.
* Not this... basic white girl salad.
* Dad Might tries to hand feed you and you're just like:

* Dad Might tries to hand feed you and you're just like:

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* Midoriya offers to hand feed you.
* Everyone at the table offers to hand feed you.
* "C'mon, (Y/n)! Salad with make you feel manly!"
* "Dumbass, eat your fucking food or I'll shove it down your throat."
* "Your salad will get soggy if you don't eat, Kero"
* That night, you threw up in that salad just to spite everyone.
* After a week of no school, you're sent back to class while still feeling like shit.
* Aizawa doesn't have you do any work other than simple sheets.
* Yes, you are prohibited from participating in hero training activities.
* On the bright side, the classes gets to show off to you.
* "Yo, (L/n)! Did ya see me!? I was manly right???"
* Shoji is flexing his arms more than usual and looking back at you to see if you're watching.
* And you're suffering some hallucinations.
* "Am I the only one who can see the one eyed, one horned, flying purple people????"
* Present Mic keeps his voice down, which is something entirely new to everyone including Aizawa.
* Present mic practically whispers when he gets closer to you, which helps you with your head aches.
* What doesn't help your pounding head is him telling you to write about your feelings in a unicorn diary he has given to you.
* "Just write about how you feel, what makes you happy, and what you want, dear listener."
* "You want to know how I feel right now? I feel fucking pissed off that I'm forced to write about my feelings and sing Kumbaya in a prissy diary meant for sissy little girls."
* "Mhm! Go on..."
* "I would be happy if I didn't have to write in this gay journal."
* "Nothing wrong with it being gay, dear listener, but do go on~"
* "...I want to feel better."
* Sekijiro (or Vlad King) will make visits to your classroom to make sure you're not dying.
* Class 1B will try and steal you away at lunch time, and class 1A won't have it.
* There was almost an all out cafeteria fight.
* While this is going on, Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire are sneaking you away to have lunch with them.
* Things get better and better as weeks go by.
* You're getting more sleep, you're working harder and you aren't vomiting anymore.
* Everyone is proud of you.
* "Good job, young one, I am so proud! Plus Ultra!"
* Your class embarrasses the fuck out of you by congratulating you on your road to recovery.
* Aizawa gives you head pats when you show more improvement.
* They make sure you don't relapse nor drink any alcoholic beverage (not that you are legally allowed to drink)
* Midoriya, Tsuyu and Kendo are there to sneak a sip of your water to taste your mouth- I mean taste for any hints of alcohol.
* All in all, they are great for helping you through your withdrawals.
* If you forget that they're yanderes...

Every person going through alcoholic withdrawals will experience different symptoms, some more or less severe, so this isn't gonna be completely accurate.

Some people will have bad hallucinations, some will fall into a depressive state.

This fic isn't here to make fun of people who going through these things, more so here to poke fun at the ridiculousness of the terrible symptoms.

Nobody likes alcoholic withdrawals.

Yandere! BNHA x reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now