If Delinquent (Y/n) was secretly a dino geek hc

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Warning: yandere, mentions of past bullying, a small rant at the end cuz why not.

* today, you all had visitors from another hero school.
* They chatted with the class and one of your classmates brought up quirks.
* One of the visitors answered their questions.
* "I can shift into any pterosaur that existed"
* The class thought that this was pretty cool (and although you wouldn't admit it, you thought so too)
* Then Denki said something that you deemed very fucking stupid.
* "That's so cool! So you can turn into a real dinosaur???"
* Before the visitor could correct him, you spoke up to correct him.
* "Pterodactyls aren't dinosaurs, you dimwit. They were cousins of the dinosaurs but evolved on a separate branch of the reptile family tree."
* You then go on and on and on about the misconceptions of dinosaurs and the animals that lived in the same timeline as them.
* "And before you ask, no, the T. rex did not in fact exist in the Jurassic period, it existed in the Cretaceous period. And the brontosaurus isn't real. The skeleton they thought was brontosaurus was actually an apatosaurus, just at a different age and size."
* While you are going on about this, the class is hooked onto every word you say because the love you and they never knew you had a lot of knowledge in dinosaurs.
* Even Aizawa didn't try to stop you. He just listened with wider eyes than usual (cuz you never shown interest in a topic before)
* The visitor confirms your statement and goes on about some other stuff unimportant to the class.
* Your classmates were to distracted by the surprise information dump you dropped on them.
* They learned that 1. You apparently love dinosaurs. And 2. You were interested in something that's not posting pictures of shadow the hedgehog saying "nice cock"
* During lunch, you are bombarded with questions.
* "The hell was with the dinosaur facts, troublesome extra?"
* "Is there anymore manly facts about dinosaurs?"
* "I didn't know your were a dinosaur geek!"
* And so on and so forth.
* Deku asks you why you never brought this up before.
* "Why should I? Nobody likes dinosaurs."
* "Huh? What makes you say that?"
* After some prying and more questioning, he is able to piece together why you never brought up the fact that you loved dinosaurs.
* Apparently kids throughout your elementary school to early middle school were not very nice to you.
* The thought of a smol, geeky (Y/n) getting bullied sickened and angered the greenette.
* It was why you became a delinquent in the first place.
* Why you got into a lot of fights in middle school.
* You didn't confirm this, but Deku could tell by your frown.
* Of course, information spreads, and everyone is trying to get information out of you, both dinosaur facts and the names of who hurt you.
* "I don't know who they are, I just beat the shit out of the low-life that pissed me off."
* After finally getting your classmates and teachers to stop asking about your old schools, they shift their energy to get you dinosaur stuff.
* You're annoyed by this... until Power Loader digs up a whole ass T. Rex skull.
* Cue you geeking out.
* You're circling the skull, pointing out the marks that indicated that it had been in a battle when it was alive.
* "How did you even dig this up!? We're in Japan, T. Rexes lived in North America!"
* When Sero was about to touch the skull, you flipped out.
* That's when class 1A knew you meant business.
* The skull was taken to a museum (Nezu would have kept it, but you insisted that it was taken in by archeologists/paleontologists)
* You got to keep a tooth though.

Ehhhh... don't know how I would end this.

This is kind of a vent cuz I myself would geek out about this stuff and people around me are just like "stfu nobody cares".

Becky, nobody cares about your ratty ass shoes and your boyfriend drama. I don't care about how many cocks you sucked, I wanna to talk about my fucking dinosaurs.

I'm not judging you for being so uninteresting, you stale cracker.

Sorry about that rant, I'm still bitter about being told that I was annoying years ago. Like yeah, maybe I was a stuttery mess, but I couldn't control that.

That bitch, however, can control her attitude.

Fun fact: Narcissistic bitches aren't cute, nor are they desirable or sexy.

But, like- There's nothing cringy about dinosaurs. They're dinosaurs. And they're fucking awesome.

Sorry again for the rant 😬

I'm mostly focused on real life stuff and the sequel to "we happy few".

It's gonna be a long chap, so get your booties prepared. :)

Yandere! BNHA x reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now