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 I can't wait for the day when life finally makes sense, when i find the silver lining in every tragedy, when i learn the lesson from each mistake and when i understand why my heart needed to get broken a few times to let love in.

I can't wait for the day that i finally  understand why i met the right people at the wrong time or the wrong people at the right time and why my live didn't align to bring us together.

I wonder if it's because they're the wrong ones for me or because i still have a lot of growing up to do and were meant to be with someone who understands who i'm becoming not who i wasn't.

I can't wait for the day that i understand the lesson behind every struggle. Why i struggled to be successful, why i struggled to find Love, why i struggled to reach my dreams and why i lost people who meant the world to me. I wonder if i needed these lessons to learn how to appreciate life and feel the pain of others or i just needed to learn that there is no living without suffering.

I can't wait for the day that i understand why i had to hate myself to love myself, why i had to myself destroy myself to build  up again and why i had to start over just before i got to the finish line. I wonder who saved me or who inspired me to save myself.

I wonder if i am meant to be reborn a few times so that i can learn how to truly live. I want to know what triggered me to change and how i can no Jonger recognize who i used to be.

I can't wait for the day that life makes sense some days I understand why certain things happened and others I'm not so sure, but all I know is that somehow i'll connect the dots and someday i'll complete the puzzle, until then, i have to learn how to live my life  without trying to understand it and i have to learn how to be comfortable with the irony and uncertainty of life; otherwise i'll lose our common sense trying to make sense of the life i'm living. »<<<

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