Nourishing the life💠

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"Here’s to the people we said goodbye to, even though all we ever wanted was to hold on to them, begging them to stay. Here’s to those of us who still think of someone who’s long gone and struggle to let go. Here’s to the people we miss so much that the mere thought of them feels like a knife to the throat.

Here’s to chances we didn’t take because the fear of failing was more than something that crossed our minds, it was a tangible thing that seeped into our skin and paralysed our bones. Here’s to the tears we allow to stream down our cheeks before we fall asleep at night so no one sees. Here’s to the love we have given over the years, the pieces of our hearts we handed out and never got back.

Here’s to feelings we had to hide and fake smiles we plastered on our faces to uphold our charades. Here’s to whatever obstacle we've had to overcome, whatever battle we've had to fight, whatever pain we've had to feel, to make us kinder and better people - to make us evolve and grow. Here’s to everyone who believes in something more, in magic, in love, in the power of dreams and faith and everyone who has something to fight for. Here’s to everything that made us who we are today. Every glorious thing, the mountains we had to climb, the stars we had to count. Here’s to our ordinary lives we never fail to turn into something extraordinary.

Just One day maybe we forget our past, the struggling we suffered to our bone, those who helped us to move on.

Some extraordinary  peoples,moments or issues makes our ordinary life to something extraordinary. In our everyone's life we all have those extraordinary gems whom we cherish to our core. But will we able to protect them always?  Would we always search the hidden meaning on their harsh face...No???

Then why do we feel sad when those gems are so close to us yet too far. Our life won't be beautiful without them. No matter how would we try to deny, your heart knows better than your brain.

Here’s to our beautiful selves, raw and real, a reminder that life is not a line or a constant, but a vivid creature with its ups and downs and that all inconveniences considered, we're doing pretty damn great."

Please nourish the person, moment and situation until you have a chance. ☺

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