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"Stop sulking"

"He saw you naked!"

"No, idiot! He saw me shirtless! You're still the only person who'd ever seen me totally naked, so stop sulking"

"Doesn't change the fact that he fancies you!"

"But I only fancy you, jealous bastard! Now shut up"


"Oh, for the love of- stop that! Don't pout! Don't you ever pout, you look like a constipated duck!"


A moment later...


"Stop talking!"

"I just--"

"Pete! Zip it before I do it for you!"

"Geez, okay!"

"Good! Now drive!"

Kao let out a deep sigh when it finally became quiet, yet he couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face. His man was an idiot and he freaking loved every bit of it.

Once they reached Sun's cafe, Pete parked the car and leaned back with a huff. "There you go. Go on, go inside" he said sulkily. "I'm sitting back here, inside this damn car, while you go return that..." he gritted his teeth. "...that fucking jacket! See that? I'm being mature! And so not jealous off my ass! Or any sort of possessive! At all!"

Kao turned his head to look at his sulky boyfriend who was still mumbling to himself. He chuckled and leaned closer to pull Pete's face, shutting him up with a passionate kiss, leaving him speechless once he pulled away. Kao grinned and pecked a stunned Pete's lips before handing him the jacket. "If you think I'm getting out of this damn car with this huge belly of mine and let people look at me weird or answer a complete stranger's curiosity about my pregnancy, you're wrong" He pulled back with a pout. "I'm hungry, go give it and come back to me in less than a minute or I will show you what hell on Earth means"

Pete blinked. Taking turns eyeing Kao and the jacket. "Seriously?"

Kao nodded, biting his lower lip in amusement. "Seriously"

Pete huffed. "After the overnight lecture, you gave me just days ago?"

Kao smiled cutely at him and nodded as he wrapped his arms around Pete's neck, biting his lower lip as he gave Pete a seductive look. "Yeah, because no matter who saw me naked or not... you're the only one who gets to touch me..." He leaned closer and bit Pete's ear. "Naked. As much as you want" he whispered, enjoying how stiff Pete became after his teasing. He giggled and shoved Pete away. "Now go"

"Huh?" Pete gaped.

Kao gave him a teasing smile. "Your one minute has started. Chop chop! Or I chop you" 

Pete opened and closed his mouth in shock but when Kao pointed at his watch, he hurriedly took the jacket and got out of the car, tripping on his own feet and then hurriedly standing up and yelling how okay he was to particularly no one as he hurried inside.

Kao giggled at his stupidity and pulled out chocolate to enjoy as he waited. He knew Mork would be in there to avoid if Pete got in a fight of some sort but he really wanted Pete to get over some other guy trying to hit on him and deal with it like a man instead of flaming up every time anyone looked at him.

He chuckled and patted his belly, giggling as he talked to his baby. "Your stupid daddy is gonna become a hellhound once it's you getting hit on by idiots" he said then blinked. "Oh boy! Honey, could you maybe... live celibate till you turn thousand years old? Pretty please?" he wondered out loud.

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