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How he felt as of the moment?

Numb and nothing.

He sat there, totally numb, staring down at his hands.

Kao was pregnant... but how...
He still had feelings... still had... still?
Have feelings...

"I can't be sure right now Mork" the doctor was telling. "Just... wait"

"Doctor!" Mork stopped the man. "Is he gonna be okay?"

The doctor looked at his petrified face and then let out a sigh and Pete's mind rewound back to the events of the night yet again. Him walking in on Kao and Thada talking, Kao passing out due to stress, and Thada carrying him down, asking for him to drive, the crying and shouting, and the questions from everyone else. Kao's pained face...

He sighed and shuddered. It all happened so fast. One moment he's looking into Kao's petrified eyes, looking for an answer or an April fool call and the next, Kao was limp.

"We're trying our best but... I told you he should not be stressed! What the hell happened to him! He could die! The baby could die!" the doctor said and Pete felt his heart stop as he snapped out of his daze and stood up.

"You should've told him that too cuz apparently he didn't listen" Thada huffed but worry was laced on his face. "He's killing himself already with depression"

"If he was that worried then why did he run away instead of getting the abortion?" The doctor demanded and Thada and Mork could only share hopeless looks.

"He... he can die?" Pete finally found his voice after the doctor had already left. Mork just stared at him while Thada scoffed.

"Yeah, yeah he could die alright! He might as well! It's better than dying everyday for a bastard like you!" he snapped.

"WHy didn't you tell me?" Pete demanded. "You knew! Why didn't you tell me?"

"If I knew it was you who hurt him so bad he needed to humiliate and bare himself in front of a doctor I would've killed you right away be glad I didn't know!" Thada shouted and shoved him so hard Mork had to pull him away before he hurt Pete. "If I knew it was you, I would've dragged you back to him by your teeth!"

Pete looked down with tears in his eyes. "Why didn't he... I came to him. I told him I- I love him... he knew that" he spoke more to himself than Thada who was shocked with the new piece of information. Pete sat down and held his head. "Why? Why did he reject me if he loved me too? Why didn't he tell me... I told him I wanted us to... I wanted to... I do..."

Thada eyed him with an open mouth and then looked at Mork who sighed and let go of him, patting his back. "You fall in and out of love so fast Pete. He was scared you would fall out of your love like you always do to everyone else-"

"He's not everyone else!" Pete shouted at him, unable to hold back his tears. Thada just blinked.

"Well, you are Pete too! He knew you as a homophobe bully he fell in love with in high school!" Mork said in a matter of fact tone and Pete shut up. "And... he's a man who can have babies. He's head is all over the place. He can't think straight. He was scared of your reaction, of his aunt's reaction. He was so scared that you would be disgusted by him"

Pete shook his head and gave them both a heated look. "How can he say that? After..." he let out a shaky sigh. "After Mint, after that... how could he possibly think so low of me? I haven't been a friend to him? I haven't tried to show him how serious I am? He doesn't know but you do! Tell him!" he pointed at Thada as he shouted at Mork. "How could you let him walk around making decisions like that when he can't even think properly? He isn't in the right state of mind but clearly you are! Or you don't think I deserve Kao either? Or you don't think I deserved to know if I was having a child?"

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