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He was tired when he reached home, only to find it empty. Where were his husband and kids?

He let out a sigh and went up to his room, dragging his feet as he moved. He hated coming home to an empty house and not being able to see his Kao. 

They both had been very busy lately. What with, getting married right after graduation and ending up pregnant right away for the second time. Thankfully it was a smooth sailing this time around. No stress for his husband or no accidents involved. Even after almost three years, the thought of that accident and losing eith one of his lover or child scared him to death. And that thought always drove him to work harder and be stronger to protect them from any other harm. 

He was glad to think he did a fine job till now.

But now that Anon, their son, was born, with both their work and kids, they barely had time for each other. 

He changed into comfy tshirt and shorts and decided to go straight to bed but stopped when he found a post-it on the door to the wardrobe that read, 'No sleeping without dinner, idiot!'

And just like that, a smile bloomed on Pete's face. "This crazy kitten..." he shook his head in amusement but still decided to go to bed. Only to find yet another post-it by the side desk.

'I cooked, you asshole! Go down right now and eat!'

And another one on the headboard. 'Fine! No sex!'

"What? Hey! That's blackmail!" Pete whined to no one in particular and started to crumble the piece of paper before thinking against it. Smiling, he put it back down with the other two. Shaking his head, he walked down to the kitchen, opened the fridge to get water, finding another note. 'Heat it up'

Pete chuckled again and pulled out the covered container to heat it up. His Kao was always so caring and understanding. Sometimes, he couldn't even believe his luck. Thinking back to the times they got together, he still asked himself what good Kao ever saw in him. He thanked his good luck and any good deed he ever committed to deserve Kao's love. They were two total opposites, like night and day, the yin for the other's yang.  

Yet to him, they were perfect for each other. Kao had always brought the best out in him. Always stood by his side and always encouraged him to do his best. Kao was his happiness, his love, the reason he succeeded in his studies and work and became a better person.

All just because of Kao.

He smiled as he sat and eat the dinner Kao left for him. Once done, he rinsed the plates and made coffee for himself. "Hmm... where did they go?" he wondered and fished his phone out. 

"Hey!" Kao's voice chirped, picking up the phone after the third ring. "You ate?"

"Washed away as well. Having coffee now" Pete chuckled. "Now, where did you take my husband and my babies? You know I always wanna see you three the first thing after coming home!" he sulked, even more, when he heard Kao giggling on the other side.

"Your babies are safe and sound and doing very well. They don't even miss you!" Kao teased him and he groaned. 


Kao giggled. "Okay, okay, I took them out with Mork. He was missing them. And- oh, Pete! I think I left Hope's plushie out in the back, why don't you go get it?"

"Wa- but wh-"

"Pete go get it! You know she'll wreak havoc without it!" Kao urged him, cutting him off. Pete gaped at his phone before putting it down. He huffed and went to pull the curtain away from the sliding door, only to get startled. 

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