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In his haste to hurry out, he stumbled, almost falling down but was caught in time by a pair of strong arms and pulled against a wide chest with those arms tightly wrapped around him. 

"Be careful now" was whispered in his ear in a slurry tone.

He blinked. Then he looked up at the person who held him and his eyes widened. "You..."

"See how clumsy you are now, baby?" Pete spoke to him in a husky tone, giving him such an intense look that made him shudder.

"I-I... I thought I told you to wait" Kao mumbled in a low squeaky tone, still held against Pete's chest. 

Pete looked him in the eye and leaned closer till their noses brushed together. He smirked. "And if I did that, who'd be here to hold you huh?" he asked and Kao blushed.

He looked around with his heart beating like crazy and tried to shove Pete away. "Let go!"

Pete smirked and bit on his lower lip, staring down at Kao's luscious lips. "Oh, never"

Kao turned totally crimson, he suddenly felt like getting burned under the intense gaze yet Pete was still holding him against his chest, looking at him like he just wanted to eat him up right there. "Pete..." 

Pete chuckled and nuzzled their noses together before taking one step back, still keeping his hand firmly on Kao's back. "Let's go baby" he said smugly, satisfied with the look on Sun's face.

"Who's your baby?" Kao huffed and slapped his chest, beyond flustered. "I hate you!"

Pete laughed as he settled behind the wheel while a very grumpy kitten sat beside him with his arms folded and pouty mouth, sulking and giving him a cold shoulder.


"Don't Kao me!" Kao snapped. "I hate you!"

"What did I do?"Pete asked.

"What? You don't think I know what you were doing? You heard P'Sun, didn't you? You had to do it in front of him? Asshole! Why didn't you just pee on me to mark your territory?" Kao asked in a heated tone. 

"Would you want me to do that the next time?" Pete asked, just to annoy Kao more since he looked so damn adorable with his angry frown. 

"Yeah, sure. If you're a fucking dog!" Kao snapped, ready to bite Pete's head off if he pushed him more. Pete roared with laughter.

"Oh, damn it! Why are you so cute?" Pete exclaimed.

"Oh, damn it, you're a nut-case!" Kao exclaimed back in a mock tone. "Now shut up or I'll have your ribs for dinner!"


Back at the cafe, Sun just sat there, too stunned to even close his gaping mouth.

"You already embarrassed yourself enough, at least take pity on your pathetic ass and close that damn mouth" 

Sun looked up to glare at Mork who huffed and sat in front of him. "Seriously, what were you thinking? You're not that stupid to not see it. You clearly saw what's between those two is special. Or you're just that self-centered you didn't see how that kid avoids your every move?"

"Fuck off!" Sun snapped at him. 

Mork smirked and leaned closer to mock him. "You know what? I think you did see it and it made your pussy ass agitated. Grab food and talk about us? I mean, only a man so full of himself like you could think he still had a chance"

Sun gave him a look so full of hatred. "Go take a look in the mirror. Then look at me. You'll see how I'm still worth a thousand times more than your sorry ass, you bastard! You're just a bad influence on my brother! Do you get to call me out on anything? Get the hell out of my place you piece of shit!" he hissed. Mork stared at him, then he stood up, picked his jacket and walked out. 

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