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He sat tapping his foot on the ground anxiously. Waiting. Dreading. All he had been doing for the last two days was wait.

Thada gave him a sideways glance and reached to grab his hand reassuringly. He managed a thin smile and looked down, back to tapping his foot.


They looked up at the handsome doctor who walked in with his results and held their breaths, Kao holding onto Thada's hand tightly while the later squeezed it to tell him he was there for him.

"It's positive" Beam said with a sigh, not beating around the bush. There was no point in doing that. "You are nine weeks pregnant"

Kao sat there in his spot, feeling numb. No. Actually, he didn't feel anything after hearing the word pregnant.

Beam stared at him, motioning Thada to let him be. Kao sat frozen, staring at him lap as tears fall down his eyes. Soon he was sobbing hard.

"How..." he managed after a while. "How... how come... *sobbing* why? Why me... I'm a... *more sobbing* I'm a guy for fucking hell! I'm a guy..."


"No! You don't understand! I... I'm a boy! I can't... not possible!" He sobbed on, holding his head. "I... this isn't right! It's not supposed to be like this! Not... no!"

Beam sighed and reached for his hand. "I know what you feel like..."

"Oh... right!" Kao showed his hand away angrily. "Of course you do! Do you now? Has any doctor ever told you that you're a pregnant man? How the fuck do you know how I'm feeling you bloody- you don't!"

Beam smiled tightly. "Actually... I do know" he said kindly, again holding his hand. "I know exactly how you're feeling"

Kao stopped sobbing to stare at the man. Then he let out a shaky breath. "I don't... I don't want this! I don't... I didn't ask for this!"

The doctor blinked. He straightened up with an unreadable expression on his face but then he smiled good-naturedly at him. "O-kay... that's your... choice" he said kindly. "But... I would suggest you two sleep on it for a day or two, think about it, talk, and then decide what you both want. I mean... you both are having a child..." he spoke as he turned to Thada.

Thada blinked. "Are you looking at me? Why is he looking at me? Hey! I had no part in any of..." he waved his hand up and down at Kao. "This! I'm his best friend"

Beam blinked. "Oh..." he looked at a still teary Kao who was looking down like he was guilty of a crime. "Are you em... gonna tell, him?"

Kao bowed his head, even more, letting Beam know he had no decision made for that. Beam sighed.

"Okay... I will see you again in a week" he started scribbling down a prescription. "Meanwhile you take these vitamins... and don't stress. Stress is not good, especially in pregnancy, moreover male pregnancy... it's already risky as it is, I'm not trying to scare you, I'm telling you. You have a baby inside you. It's real and it's... growing. So you think it through, decide what you really want and... if you don't want the baby, that's okay. It won't make you a bad person or horrible for not wanting a child, you hear me?" he asked Kao who nodded. "Good. Now go home, eat a lot of whatever you want to eat, and watch cartoons or binge-watch a comedy maybe, or just sleep like a log. Okay?" he asked the boy again and patted his head who nodded and let the doctor wipe his tears. "Good boy"

"Thank you..." Kao said in a small tone before letting Thada help him up.

"Take care of him" Beam told Thada who nodded.

"I will"


He sat in Mork's room, rocking himself back and forth, refusing to talk or eat. Mork and Thada shared worried looks but neither spoke. It took them an hour to calm him down the first time.

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