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Pete lazily walked up the stairs to get to class. He had been in a bad mood all weekend. He couldn't believe Thada had called him a bully and June went mad and punched him for that fucking Kao.

(A/n: Pete's friends had tried to intervene about Kao and him. But here, they weren't all just asking them both to patch up, Thada had called him out as a bully for the way he treated Kao and in his anger, Pete lashed out, ending up shoving Sandee, that's why June punched him.

I kinda never liked how June and Sandee always addressed the situation between them as them having problems because Kao was practically getting insulted and bullied every step of it)

He stopped seeing Kao sitting on the bench beside the railing along with none other than Mint. The fuck!

That cheating bitch had dumped him in high school. Though Pete was never going to admit it, still Kao knew about her cheating on him with his friend Rain. He delivered him her messages through San and now the fucker even brought her here. Sure to annoy him!!

Kao noticed him and abruptly stood up, like he'd be anywhere but there, and made an escape to the class.

'Humph, am I that scary?' Pete found himself wondering.


He cringed at her too sweet tone. 

"You're late, I was waiting for you so long" Mint asked, pouting.

Pete rolled his eyes. "Why are you here?"

In return, she just smiled at him, biting her lips, trying hard to act cute, like nothing bad ever happened between them, like she wasn't basically following him around. "To meet you ofcourse"

'Huh, biath gimme a break! I ain't do cute! Not that you are!!!' he thought to himself yet again. Then he looked the way Kao went. "And... what's your deal with Kao?"

Mint raised her eyebrows at his tone. 'Aw... is he jealous?'

"Nothing, really. I just came to meet you but saw him instead, so I said hi. We went to same school, that's all" she shrugged, playing it cool.

'Yeah, and you cheated o me with his friend, bitch!' Pete said in his head again. He's a good guy now, no matter how much June calls him a jerk, he's nice to girls!

"I know you asked him to help you talk to me. Why?" he asked her bluntly and for a moment, her composure broke. "Why are you here?"

And she beamed again. "Oh, I was free today, let's go out to eat after your class. I'm waiting"

"Don't wait on me, I have classes till late. Go home" he said, this time, rudely and walked past her to his class but stopped to look back and found her following after him. The fuck?!

"Ah..." she grinned. "I need to use the restroom" he stood back and waved her to go ahead with a serious face and huffed after she was gone. 

"That fucker Kao!" he spat angrily.


Pete walked out of the building late and heard June's voice. He frowned and went to check, only to find June and Thada being held by two seniors and another two punching them, he went to their aid and they got beat up by the seniors together.

 He frowned and went to check, only to find June and Thada being held by two seniors and another two punching them, he went to their aid and they got beat up by the seniors together

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