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"Thanks Kao" Mint spoke after they walked out of the mall. "You are such a nice guy, I always feel at ease when I'm with you"

Kao smiled, embarrassed at the compliment. "Em... thanks, you're a really good friend too"

"Hm... you have reminded me a lot today that I'm your friend, haven't you?" she smiled. "But that's okay, atleast, if I'm a friend, I know I have the chance to be more than just that"

Kao blinked. He had no retort for that. He looked around with his stunned face and wide eyes and hurriedly walked off with Mint behind.

"Let's eat" she said.

"No, it's time for my shift, I'll already get late. Will you be okay going home?" Kao refused.

Mint pouted, looking dejected but agreed with a promise to reply back to her. Kao sighed and made a run for it. He was even distracted at work and ended up spilling coffee on the table.

"Hey... where's your head at?" 

He turned to owner of the cafe, P'Sun with an apologetic look. "Sorry phi"

Sun smiled and sat went to his side to help clean up. "What's going on? You can tell phi"

Kao looked at Sun. He's known him since his diaper days. He was Kao's childhood friend's older brother and once, their neighbor when he lived with his parents. The man was older than him for a few years, already graduated and now running his own cafe for over an year. Sun always treated him with kindness and care. Always.

"Nothing phi... just a little... phi! If you do something, out of kindness. But then, it becomes too much for you, like... being nice to someone who has no one else to turn to. But now... they start to think of your kindness as... em, as you know..."

"They hinted on liking you?" Sun asked with an amused smile. Kao looked so cute with that panicked and extremely worried face that he had an urge to pinch or kiss his cheeks. Yeah, it wasn't some foreign feeling to him. Sun had felt that way ever since he knew his cute little neighbor and brother's friend. They were kids and Sun being five years older than them, used to watch over them. He really liked that cute and happy kid. 

Then Kao's parents died and his aunt adopted him, he drifted apart. They regularly started meeting again when Kao joined Rain's high school and Sun was stunned seeing him. He was old and mature enough to be able to realize his feelings for the kid. But Kao was by far, the world's most oblivious person. 

"Well, what about it?" he asked a still troubled Kao. "You don't like them back?"

"No! I just... I can't just, you know, I'm too nice. I guess" he huffed. "Stupid me"

"You're kind and you think of others. That's the trait that makes you, you" Sun said wisely. "But Kao, just like your kindness is something that defines you, so is your self confidence and honesty. Start with honesty"

Kao smiled at that. "I should draw a line"

"You do that" Sun smiled. Just that moment, their door opened and two guys walked in. 


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