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"You had to wear those tiny shorts?" Pete was sulking. Kao looked up at him, giving him an unconcerned look and then went back to filling the form.

"Don't look at me if you don't wanna" he pouted and Pete sulked even more. Now, it's not like Pete didn't want to have look, sure he wanted to. He wanted it a lot, he wanted it more-

Well, he wasn't against Kao showing him some skin. But not the rest of the world!

His baby daddy was so adorable! And sexy! And only for him!

Not that he'd say that in front of Kao and get that pregnant being to kill him.

The past month had been like a fast track. A beautiful one. With Kao trying his patience every moment of it with his weird cravings and tantrums that came out of nowhere with no apparent reason whatsoever.

Like that boy was adamant to get Pete to leave.

'Huh! He could try!' Pete would say.

He knew he'd hurt Kao without even knowing it and he deserved that Kao had a hard time trusting him. But now that he knew Kao did love him back, he was ready to face all the crap Kao threw at him just to make him his. And of course, their baby too.

They had sat in front of Mai, hand in hand, telling her about their baby and asking for her blessing and love.

Let's say Mai was still in shock. But she was slowly coming out if it and opening up to Pete. Like she could help. He was almost always there. All the damn time.

He studied with Kao, he learned at the office, he went to Kao's part time with him to work, he made sure Kao was always fed and hydrated, he sat and pacified him when he was crying for no reason, he cuddled him to sleep whenever he had difficulty sleeping alone, even getting called in way past midnight run to his place and he just sighed and put up whenever Kao was irritated for God knows what reason and wanted to annoy him. Okay fine, sometimes he annoyed Kao back but that's understandable, isn't it?😁😈

Gift on the other hand was dying of excitement. She was ready to write their story on wattpad till Kao had to snatch her phone and laptop.

"Kao~ baby..."

"What?" Kao growled. He was getting annoyed. ""Who's your baby you moron?"

"Language in front of the baby!" Pete snapped back.

"Huh! This baby, your stupid baby, is smaller than a peanut! It can't hear me curse you!" Kao snapped back and puffed his cheeks. "Now where's P'Beam? I'm hungry! I wanna go home!" He was huffing and puffing.

"Dr. Beam is here" said the doctor as he walked towards them. "Hey baby elephant, you look healthy" he patted Kao's cheek who for some reason, forgot all his annoyance and started to give his cute and radiating smile.

"You're crushing on your baby doctor?" Pete hissed at him as they followed after the doctor for examination.

"He's hot and nice and charming and and shameless and smart! And I have well functional eyes. I get to fanboy whoever I want" Kao hissed back and even flashed his smile at the doctor.

"I'm so gonna spank you when we get back home" Pete huffed and Kao stopped to turn and look at him with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, try it" he stuck his tongue out and turned to follow Beam but almost jumped when Pete suddenly grabbed his ass from behind.

"There. I'll do more!" Pete smirked seeing the boy blush and gap. "You just wait. Don't test me baby. You can only look at me" he smiled and kissed a stunned Kao's temple before pushing him inside. "Let's go meet our baby"

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