Worst of Enemies

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A clear and bright night fills the sky with stars as a small Japanese cabin is seen with the family inside is having dinner together. Laughing in glee from jokes told at the table...However, the outside is soon seen through the crooked bloodshot eyes of an animal...beast...demon.

Demons...Prowlers of the Night. Vile creatures that, for selfish reasons, gave up their humanity for eternal life that has been damned and power that is tainted with the blood of the innocent.

They eyes soon dart forward as a ravenous and bloodthirsty panting is heard. The mother, who sits in front of the window, sees the thing heading towards them with bloodlust. Screaming out in horror of what she sees, the thing lunges at her first before her scream is cut off by a loud, wet, fleshy and bone-crunching squish. The family is no longer seen but, they can all be heard screaming in horror. Ravenous roars ring out along with the screams as more squishes of a disgusting magnitude are heard.

Soon after, the eldest boy of the family, soon springs out the front door in such haste that the door is thrown off its hinges. Making him fall with a yell as he scurried to his feet with horror of seeing his family slaughtered in front of him moments ago. Soon after, the beast comes into view to show what seemed like a wicked quadrupedal human scurrying like a spider. Its face contorted in a way that its neck was twisted so the head could look right at the boy who ran.

Catching up to its prey item, it tackled the boy down to the ground as he cried out and tried to fight. However, the thing pinned the boys lombs down with each of its own limbs as it cackled and let a sharp long tongue slide out from its mouth. Yet, nearby, a set of booted feet could be seen running past trees at speeds that made it sound like crackling fire as the sound of a haori flailing in the wind was heard.

However, they think they can spill the blood of the innocent without repercussion?

Licking the boys face, the boy would cry and try to move but, limbs pinned made him feel like a fly stuck in the web of a spider. The tongue soon pulled back as it seemed like it was darting forwards at a breakneck speed as the boy yelled out. Suddenly, the pair of feet could be heard near the monster and its prey as a metallic clink was heard.

Then they are sorely mistaken...

As the tongue shot forward, the sound of flesh being cut was heard as the tongue split in two. The pointed tip along with six inches before that of flesh, were seen flying off and flailing in the air before landing on the moonlit ground. Shortly after, it shriveled and burned up before fading into an ashy dust.

The creature wailed out as it jump back after witnessing its tongue get cleanly cut off. The boy, confused and horrified, suddenly sat up and crawled backwards before bumping into a pair of of legs with olive green boots leading up to blackened pants. Looking up, a young male of eighteen to twenty years of age, stood tall and proud as he wore what looked like a black uniform with a white belt, buttons and white set of chest pockets leading to a white trimmed collar. However, he wore a haori that was a bright green that faded yellow and orange at the sleeves. In his hand? He held a red gripped katana whose blade was an obsidian black.

The boy looked to the male to see he was a foreigner of (ethnicity) descent with a pair of bright (E/C) that grew in brightness as the moonlight bounced off the blade and into his eyes. His face soon became a large grin as he noticed the boy.

"You. Are you alright?"


"Sadly...I was too late..."

As the two spoke, the demon's tongue had grown back with a disgusting bulging and pulsing muscle where the cut had been. Now being sharper than before sue to being new, the demon would snarl at the young male. Speaking to the male in a coarse and brutish tone that signified how far gone it had gone.

Perhaps in Another Life, Ojou : A Tale of Reincarnation Where stories live. Discover now