Forgive Me, Ojou

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You made my entire perception of demons change as I would make their death quick. Painless. Unless they showed no true remorse for their actions.

A few months have passed since Ayame and (Y/N) secured their new-found official friendship. Since then? Ayame has stayed with a friend of (Y/N)'s who owed him a favor. Ironically, a lady demon who left her shackles of Kibutsuji, and a boy demon served the woman on his own will. At first, Ayame was skeptical until (Y/N) showed just how far this woman went to save him. Not to mention, how far he went to save her when her cover was finally blown in Asakusa when she helped a Slayer Boy and his demon sister.

However, over the course of the past few weeks, the Slayer Corps have been under renovation in terms of training. Why? An attack on the Slayer's blacksmith village was the primary reason but, also because demons suddenly stopped appearing. So now? (Y/N) was barely able to see Ayame, and Lady Tamayo, when he could, it was briefly unlike before where he would go to her after each mission.

It was also thanks to that training that he had changed significantly in terms of physical, mental and tactical strength. Now, his muscles were more visible even through clothing and his skill as a swordsman was now on par with his mentor. But the most visible change came in the form of new markings along his body. For instance, if he were to strip down to underwear, one would see a fiery ball on his chest, right over the heart. On his arms, he had streaks of flames that left cuffs on his wrists and his neck had a ring of fire like scarring. Ironic given his profession.

Yet, today that would change as after such a long time of training, the male finally had some downtime. Not to mention, Chachamaru, Lady Tamayo's cat, actually found the male and gave him a letter saying she was in hurry to head on over to the Demon Slayer Corps Headquarters. So, in a panic, he ran to go meet her half way as she would also be bringing Ayame.

"What is with that crazy lady's head!? Why come to a place where they'll kill her on sight!?"

He said to himself as he was running in the woods outside the Slayer Headquarters. Chachamaru was actually the one taking point as (Y/N) followed so, he knew he was going the right way. Spotting three figures in the distance, he squinted his eyes to see it was actually Lady Tamayo, Yushiro and Ayame travelling side by side. Although, let it be known Yushiro somehow got his hands on a slayer outfit. As he came into view, Ayame would smile bright as she ran forward to him. Meeting him half way, she'd tackle him down as he yelped since he didn't expect her to actually be able to. Now on the ground, the happy oni hugged (Y/N) tightly as she giggled happily.

"Its you! Its finally you! And you've...changed..."

Sitting on his stomach, she would punch his stomach, chest and arms lightly as he groaned softly. Looking at the position, they were in, they both turned a bright red as Yushiro let out a grunt.

"Get a room, you two!"

Standing up straight, they sheepishly chuckled before (Y/N) remembered why he had met them halfway. Zooming up to Lady Tamayo, Yushiro actually flinched as he then grabbed (Y/N) by the collar. The two getting yanked into a small squabble as Ayame and Lady Tamayo watched on.

"Lady! Tamayo! You can't go there! They'll kill you on sight! You're going to deal with slayers of junior hashira skill! Not to mention, even the hashiras have grown!"

"I know. But they can't hurt me if they expect me to be there."



Out of nowhere, came a crow, a kusagai crow, its squacks were frantic and panicked. Instantly, everyone looked to it as it flew above their heads.

Perhaps in Another Life, Ojou : A Tale of Reincarnation Where stories live. Discover now