A Promise to Keep

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"Wasshoi! Wasshoi! Wasshoi! The dry cleaning is done!"

Tojuro cheered as he hopped through the Rengoku estate with a black zipped up dry cleaner's cover hanging via hanger. Hopping along the entire way to the backyard, more like field, he came across (Y/N) and Yaketsuku having a bamboo sword spar.

Standing opposite to the other, they would both let out breaths as (Y/N) dhot forward. Yelling out, his sword came into contact with Yaketsuku's as they entered a blocking spree of the other. Of course, Yaketsuku was beginning to overwhelm (Y/N) with his strength so the younger male decided to mix it up. Leaning back, he barely was able to dodge the attack as he then struck forward with a roar. The sword nearly hit Yaketsuku but, he simply side stepped before jabbing forward.

Yelling out since he almost got hit, (Y/N) growled as he leaned back before jumping right past the sword. His hand outstretched as he roared out and twisted his body at the last second as he was fully prepared to land a hit on Yaketsuku. However...he would simply lean back, uppercut (Y/N) before pratically juggling him in the air. Letting him fall with a harsh thud that made Tojuro cringe at the sudden over-powering scene he watched. The two males would just now notice Tojuro as (Y/N) groaned a "hello" while Yaketsuku helped him up.

"What do you have there?"

"Oh! It just came in! Here!"

Holding the hanger and cover out to (Y/N), he would open it up before going wide eyed. Inside was a green haori with tattered ends that were covered with orange and red. Making it seem like the ends were on fire.

"Th-This is for me...?"

"This is why I made the trip! So we could wait for your haori! But now, you have definitely earned it!"

Taking it out, he would carefully slip it over his shoulders before inserting his arms into the sleeves. Meanwhile, Yaketsuku and Tojuro would look on with awe as well as glee as their smiles were the typical Rengoku smile but, so much more. Striking a pose, he would throw the left side of his haori behind him as his nichirin blade and scabbard were strapped on his left hip. Standing tall and proud.

"You're perfect."

"You look like the one in the old photos!"

Thinking back to the way the (Y/N) of the past looked like with all his gear, he ran a hand along the grip of the nichirin blade. Wondering why this blade was still intact all these years and most importantly, how it got scarred. All the forms he's used have oushed this blade to the limit yet, it continues on. Meanwhile, the blade is now black in some spots and glistening crimson in others.

"Yeah...Maybe I do."

Walking to the from on the estate with the Rengokus, he would nervous as to whats to come. Up to now, he was always with someone, whether it be Ayame or the Rengokus. But for right now? He was on his own. Stopping at the front entrance, the Rengokus watched him hesitantly open up the gate and step out as they remained in the estate grounds. Looking back at them, he grinned in a determined manner as he began to walk down the street. The Rengokus cheering on wildly.

"Remember, otouto!"

"Stand tall and be proud! No matter how weak or unworthy you feel, set your heart ablaze, grit your teeth and move forward!"

He yelled as he walked down the path suburban path down to the city below. That's when he heard a familiar squack that made him stop in his tracks and look up. Seeing a crow circle above him, he grinned as he remembered what Tojuro said.

"Yeah! It's a kasugai crow! You should have seen his uncle. He used to warn us each time we didn't feed him. This one just squacks wildly."

Holding out his forearm into the air, the crow caught this and swooped on down before landing on his arm. Reaching up, he would rub its chin with his index finger as it cozied up to him.

Perhaps in Another Life, Ojou : A Tale of Reincarnation Where stories live. Discover now