Survive the Night

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It was now the late morning of Saturday, the day the Rengokus and (Y/N) would be leaving for their camping trip. The mode of transportation they were taking was a rented white van on the street that held all of their current items minus one thing that (Y/N) and Tojuro were trying desperately to fit. A giant log of wood.

"W-Why are we taking this!?"

"For firewood, of course!"

"Woods! It has wood in the name!"

(Y/N) yelled in a strained tone before finally, the log moved backwards in enough that the door was able to close. Tojuro was quick about it too, maybe too quick as (Y/N) was now in the back of the van along with everything else after a loud yelp. A few grunts, things moving, the van bouncing and a heave later, (Y/N) came out through the passenger side window before falling forward. Landing on the ground with a hevay thud and grunt as he groaned.

"Yes! But we need a huge bonfire or else it isn't a Rengoku family campfire!"

(Y/N) simply stayed face down on the ground with his rear in the air as he held a thumbs up. Then there came a familiar giggle that made everyone look in the direction, although (Y/N) more or less spread his legs apart and looked in between his legs to see an upside down Ojou.

"Ojou...? Ojou!?"


Quickly scrambling onto his feet, Tojuro would dash up to Ayame and hug her with his face in her stomach. Causing her to giggle and hug back as Tojuro approached with a large standard Rengoku smile. Holding out his hand, he'd place it on too of her head as she giggled more with a smile. When (Y/N) finally recovered, the sight of Ayame's smile and the sound of her giggles made him grin softly as his face heated up slightly.

"Ojou-chan! Pleasure to see you!"

"Pleasure to see you too, Rengoku-sama! I just thought to pass on by before you three left. Give my best wishes and what not."

"Wait, you aren't coming along?"

(Y/N) said a bit disappointed as he gained a small frown before Ayame would sigh out. Gaining a frown of her own as she shook her head.

"I can't. Since I'm the only one who knows how to really deal with demons at the job, I can't let my guard down. Not to mention, work."

"Oh...right. I'll...I'll make it up to you when I get back! Take you out when I'm free!"

"Hurry it up, you two lovebirds! We have a trip to embark on!"


(Y/N) perked ip immediately after and had offered up to Ayame as she turned a light red at his offer. But before she could give a response, Yaketsuku and Tonjuro interjected with the smaller of the two cheering. Causing (Y/N) and Ayame to giggle as the two Rengokus hopped into the van whilst the two "lovebirds" looked at one another. Ayame giggling softly before nodding lightly.

"I...would love that. But you bettee keep your promise or else I'm going to get angry!"

"I will!"

Ayame said the last part in a playful anger before (Y/N) put up his hands defensively. Not long after, they would grab the other into a hug before letting go and (Y/N) embarked the van. The three inside the van would wave goodbye to Ayame with smiles before (Y/N) yelped out due to Yaketsuku suddenly flooring it. Leaving Ayame to wave at them with a giggle whilst (Y/N) held onto the bar above his hesd for dear life. Tojuro had the complete opposite reaction as he cheered.

"Wasshoi! Wasshoi! Wasshoi! Rengoku and (Y/N) Family Camping Trip! Wasshoi! Wasshoi! Wasshoi!"

Soon enough, his father joined in the cheer as (Y/N) looked at the two pumping their arms up into the air. Chuckling with a soft grin, (Y/N) joined in on the cheering and pumping his hand out the window. Passerbyers would pay witness to these three and their antics the entire time they drove in the city to leave for the mountain side.

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