A Breather

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A few days have passed since Ayame and (Y/N)'s mission in the town named Nozomu. The name of which they found out after paramedics were called for (Y/N)'s sickness which turned out to be pneumonia caused by his aquatic adventure in Kiyo. Naturally he was in quarantine but, doctors were surprised when he was able to breath on his own after just a few hours on ventilator.

Still, they wanted him to rest properly so for the past few days, he has been stuck in the Rengoku Family Estate with Tojuro who was on break from school. Throughout this time, the two have been up to the usual Rengoku Family shenanigans of cooking, burning stuff and light training so that way (Y/N) doesn't fall completely out of whack. Speaking of which, Yaketsuku has been filling in the gap alongside Ayame so that way no demons slip by.

Currently, (Y/N) was standing in a flaming ring with his slayer trousers on and a tank top as Tojuro held what seemed like bamboo stick. Without warning, he swung it down at (Y/N) who quickly stepped out of harm's way before kicking the bamboo stick to the side. Of course, Tojuro twirled so that momentum remained as he swung around to hit (Y/N) in the back. However, he jumped over it as it flew right under his feet yet, he also stomped his them down so he landed right on it.

"Checkmate, buddy~!"


Fieser squacked as he flew right above the two with a phone held by his talons and it could obviously be heard going off. Since Kiyo and Nozomu, everyone has trusted Fieser enough that he freely roams the estate to his leisure until the night. Of course, he doesn't truly need to yet, he finds it better than sleeping in a branch or whatnot.

Suddenly, the phone fell down to the ground with a soft thud as it even kicked up sand. The issue was the fact if landed in the ring of fire. Looking to one another while blinking silently, Tojuro laughed a bit as he simply reached into the fire and grabbed the phone.

"Good thing we fireproofed the house!"

"But at what cost...."

(Y/N) clenched his fists as he held them up before an underview shot of Fieser was shown. Their belly was missing feathers and some were practically glazed over in soot. As Tojuro answered the phone, (Y/N) hopped on out the ring of fire before putting it out by simply kicking sand onto it. As he finished putting out the fire, Tojuro walked up to him with the usual Rengoku smile as he had the phone held out.

"For you, Uncle!"

"Thanks, kid."

Taking the phone from Tojuro, (Y/N) would place his hand atop of the boy's head before patting it lightly. The boy's closed mouth smile became a large wide open one as he then trutted off to go do chores in the house. Putting the phone ip to his ear, (Y/N) spoke.

"Yo dayo-!"

"Oi! That's my line!"

Hearing Ayame giggle over the line after having called him out, (Y/N) chuckled as he sat in the sand. Leaning back a bit, he put the phone of speaker as he looked on up at the sky.

"Well, well, well! If it ain't my daily dose of Nakiri. What can this handsome guy do for ya?"

"Well, I'm free after work today. I was sort of hoping if we could...hang out?"

"Hmm. Let me consult my manager..."

He teased her with a grin as he could hear her giggle softly before he looked around. Most of the field was easy to clean with only a sand rake, a regular rake and some time. As for inside, that was done the moment Tojuro and (Y/N) woke up since they decided to clean up before breakfast.

"Alright. Looks like I'm free! What ya got in your cute little head, Ojou?"

"Yes! Okay, how about a movie? Some food would be great too!"

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